Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday Soul: Where Have You Been Hiding?...
In what way have I been living in the shadows in 2011? How might my life change if I came out into the light in 2012? What strengths could I discover and share if I gave up hiding my weaknesses?
If I were to be completely honest, it feels as though 2011 was all about me living in the shadows. This was pretty much self-induced after I spent much of 2010 doing the exact opposite. With my separation and much scrutiny at my then work, I wanted to disappear. To almost be a recluse so I could recover, lick my wounds and work out how to engage with the world again. It was obviously something I felt I needed, this self-induced isolation, but I am definitely ready to find and step into my light again. There is a need to be bright and shine and the more I deny it, the more I lose my spirit. To the point where I lose touch with who I really am and what I can bring to the world.
If I come into the light in 2012 I have no doubt that I will be a happier person. I will have a renewed enthusiasm for my life and will feel as though I am making a contribution to the world. Whenever I have decided to shine my light in my life, I have attracted the people and things to me that have enriched my life beyond measure and its time to do this again. By stepping into the light I will rediscover what fills my tank. And in turn, this will allow me to fill the tank of others. I will be living a truly authentic life, where what is on the inside is reflected on the outside. My actions and my world will be in sync.
I will re-discover my strengths of leadership, compassion, love, inspiration, enthusiasm, self-love, resilience, fun, humour and connectedness. I will also learn new things about myself to help me evolve as a person and understand yet another aspect of myself. I will leave the fear behind and know that, yes, even though I may be scared of being knocked down again and that I won't bounce back if I do, past experience has shown that I can and do bounce back and I have a strength and determination that enables me to handle whatever comes my way. The emptiness I feel and the 'nothingness' I experience as a result of hiding away and playing small is way worse than the feeling of throwing myself into life or playing big and not making it.
Its time to let my light shine again.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Fabulous Friday: This week...
I've decided that pretty much all of this week deserves to be chronicled as fabulous. I've connected with family and friends and, most importantly, allowed myself to relax. At least 3 days have been spent lazing by the pool or beach and the combination of sunshine, sea air and nature in general has been just what my soul needed. By far what has been most fabulous, however, has been the time spent with the little guy next to me in the picture above. My sweet little Bailey. Light of my life. He has been such an angel and the joy I have felt just being able to hang out with him, without needing to be anywhere, or being distracted by everyday things like work and daycare has been immense. I am so very, very lucky to have been blessed with such an adorable little boy.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Where Have I Learned & Lived?...
This week I'm doing Susan Piver's transitioning into 2012 personal reflections. Each day you receive a question or set of questions via email to reflect upon and I thought I'd share my first reflections.
Question 1: Where have I learned and lived in 2011? In my head, in my body, or both? What would living more fully in my body in 2012 bring to me? How can I embody life and learning as I move through this liminal space between now and next? How can I more fully learn from the neck down in 2012?
My learning and living in 2011 has definitely taken place in my head. Just about every intuitive I've ever been to has told me I am too logical and always in my head (which I am completely aware of myself), and this year was no exception. At times I have felt that the being in my head would drive me mad and that I would never get out of it. And when you are in your head all of, or most of the time, its just exhausting. I have very rarely felt that I had a sense of ease or space this year because of it.
Living more fully in my body in 2012 would bring me a deeper understanding of myself. A connection that would allow me to make choices from my heart, to follow my intuition, to truly feel my emotions and what is going on around and in me. It would release me from the feeling of fear that often stalks me and which is completely driven by over- thinking. Living more fully in my body would allow me to know myself more fully, which would, in turn, allow others to see and know the authentic 'me'. Perhaps this is why I don't currently feel I know who the 'real me' is, because you can never truly know who you are when you are living primarily in your head.
I can live and learn more fully from the neck down in 2012 by setting aside time to meditate, do yoga and exercise. And I intend to do this from a place of desire and fun, as opposed to 'forcing' or 'guilting' myself into it. Running and playing field hockey allow me to get the endorphins flowing and appreciate what my body is capable of. For that time that I am engaged in the activity, particularly when I'm playing hockey, its a great way to get out of my head and to just be in the moment. Completely focusing on what my body is doing. For me, practicing yoga at home is when I really feel like I'm making an effort for myself. I can set up things just how I like them, have a candle burning and only focus on myself. Time that is carved out for myself to make my body feel good always has a positive effect on my mental state. And finally, I'm going to use meditation to quiet my mind and to connect it with my body. It really is impossible to know what's going on inside when there is no stillness or space in your day.
It is my intention that by doing these things I will be able to re-connect with myself and the world around me, which would be a wonderful space to be in for 2012..........
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday Tunes: Gotye...
The beautiful Stella over at Shiny Yoga reminded me on her blog the other day of how much I love this song.....
Tuesday Treats: Dark Chocolate Souffle Goodness...
Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday Musings: Follow...
It's the day after Christmas and I'm lazing on the couch. Bailey and I have spent the day together at home, unwrapping presents (he still had more left to do today), going through presents, watching DVD's (Bailey watched Goonies for the first time today), lying around and swimming in the pool, eating pancakes, and napping. But as ever, my head keeps coming back to the question that has been going around and around in my head for quite some time. "What is my purpose?" I don't think I've had a hold on this one for a long while.
After I had Bailey and went through everything that came after, I had a very clear sense of what my purpose was. Everything about myself - who I was, what I believed in, my values, what I felt was important in life, what made my heart sing... all became crystal clear. And now, 3 years later, I feel as though I couldn't be further from knowing those things. Some people may think who cares, why do you need to have a 'purpose'? And I don't even know whether that is the right word to describe what I'm searching for. But I do know that I am a spiritual and emotional person and I need to feel as though I understand myself, know what fills my tank and need to feel as though I am contributing meaningfully to the world and am connected to it.
I've been trying a mixture of methods to do this and I'm very torn at the moment between the various ideas and methods out there. I flit between telling myself to just drop all the expectations, live in the moment and just 'be' and diving in head first and going with a method of practical steps to help me find some answers to these questions (books, writings, goal setting, courses etc). I think sometimes I find myself being frustrated by the fact that the things that brought me great joy and clarity and motivation 3 years ago, don't do the trick anymore. I used be so energised by art and being creative and those things just don't do it for me now (although I can see that the art was always about the meaning or the message and gift for the person the art was created for, rather than the art itself. So what I feel is missing is the connection to others). I can't seem to find that spark or heart swell that I used to get from every day things either. To feel as though I have no idea where my spark is or how I can fill my cup is quite disheartening - and feels almost as if I don't know who I am.
A decision is definitely going to be made in the imminent future (ie this week) but I came across an idea today that shifted my perspective on the idea, especially the one where I am trying to recapture a feeling by doing things that I had been doing or enjoying three years ago. In her blog, Unicorns For Socialism, Alexandra Franzen posits that the question "What is the key ingredient to living an inspired, purpose driven life" is a trick question for which you get a trick answer. The key ingredient is embracing the fact that nothing in life is static and that your key ingredient will evolve. My mind automatically reads that and wants to respond with 'well duh, of course it does' but in my heart I know this is not so easy to accept. In the big scheme of things, if it took me 31 years to find a way to have myself living what felt like an inspiring purpose driven life, its not so easy to let that go. Because I had only really felt like this at one time in my life (and I'm talking about the big "aha" moment where all aspects of the universe align and you've never felt better in your life), I hung onto the idea or belief that it was those things that I enjoyed or were focused on at the time that were the 'answer'. I would keep going back to them time and time again to try to re-capture that feeling because they were the only things or ingredients that had ever made me feel that way.
The other thing to note here too is that the alternative ie dropping what I had known and starting with a blank slate again is very daunting. I already feel as though I'm floating around in the world, not really having a clue about who I am or where I'm going or what is ahead for me and I'm not doing well with that generally. Perhaps a little piece of me thought that if I just kept clinging to those pieces of Bel from 3 years ago, that one day they'd all click together again and the "aha" feeling would return. That I'm not going to have to start from scratch all over again or acknowledge the fear I have that I'll never feel like that again about life - so excited and genuinely alive and happy and inspired. That I'll never have that feeling again where I truly, truly, like myself and accept all that I have been and done and all that I will do completely, with no judgement. (Whoa, that one just came from deep down......).
However, reading Alexandra's ideas gave me a tiny bit of breathing space and for the first time has made me think fully of freeing myself of everything I think or thought was 'me'. This idea of me that I have been so desperate to get back and who I must believe deep down has only ever been amazing in that one version or in that one period of time. I know that what I need to do is give myself the freedom to become a new version of myself or should I say to evolve into whoever I am to become (rather than constricting myself to fit into some other mould that quite frankly no longer fits) and trust that I will love this version of me too. I need to have the faith in myself that my light will shine again and that I can see the light in there (even if on the whole the light has been a little dim for a while due to working through life's twists and turns over the past two years). I should also not forget that the greatest time of light in my life stemmed from the greatest ever period of darkness. That all phases do not work in the same time frames and to not be frustrated when it seems the light is taking a long time to come back to full strength.
What I love most about Alexandra's ideas is that its ok to be inspired by something new every day, week, or year and to go with that. Today I may be inspired by beautiful songs of lost love, tomorrow by people dedicating their lives to helping at risk children, or in 30 years time by my grand-children. But the key is to:
Follow your ever evolving bolts of fascination, infatuation and inspiration without over thinking. Without any thinking.
Follow. Even if the bolts of inspiration make no sense (there is rarely any tangible order in the Divine). Follow. Even if they've got 'nothing to do' with the PhD thesis you've bled over for years. Follow. Even if it means leaving (what you thought was) your Work by the way side.
Follow. Your life purpose loves a good road trip.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday Sounds: Last Christmas...
On Christmas Day there could be no other option but to post Whams "Last Christmas" in Sunday Sounds. Merry Christmas everyone!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Saturday Soul: Kisses From Katie...
I've been searching for the past few days for some new books to add to my 'must read' list. I came across a description of a book called "Kisses From Katie" and I watched the video that has been made to promote and explain the book. I may or may not read the book, but regardless, I was blown away by the compassion, courage, maturity and faith of someone so young. I greatly admire anyone who receives a calling to do something and who follows through with it, especially when faced with opposition from their families and/or the society they were raised in (I will clarify that Katie's Christian beliefs obviously tie in with her doing missionary work, but to do it in Uganda and run an orphanage was not what her parents and friends had in mind for her). A very inspiring young lady......
Friday, December 23, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Modern Family...
Modern Family would have to be the funniest show ever. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore but when this is on I laugh so hard that I swear people 5km away can hear me. But its impossible not to with such an hilarious cast and writing. Sadly, my all time favourite clips are not available on youtube but here is a classic cut from the Charades episode and Phil Dunphy on why he is a cool dad.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Break Time...
Today my thoughts are with the two week break that is before me. Up until now, I really hadn't given much thought to what I would do. It feels a bit strange to me since this time last year and the year before I was working in the wonderful world of retail and had Christmas Day off and that was about it. I'm not going away anywhere but I don't want the time to whiz by and feel at the end of this that I blinked and missed it, without doing anything. So I think its time to do a brainstorm of things I would like to do. Things that will enable me to enjoy myself, have fun, fill my own tank, rest, relax and restore myself before its time to go back to work.
- Read, read, read: Nothing spells holidays to me more than just lounging about reading. I'm going to line myself up with a stack of books and go for broke.
- Swim in the ocean: I definitely feel the need to be near the water. Not necessarily because I'm a beach lover or anything but I feel like it will wash away any old or negative energy and being in nature is also what I need right now.
- Move my body: Whether its running, weights or even walking I need to get the endorphins going. I've slackened off in the past few weeks due to the craziness of the silly season but its time to get that exercise high back.
- Be still: For one hour each day (well the days where I don't have Bailey at least) I want to be completely still. So rarely do we just 'be' without a task or purpose or expectation. I may meditate or simply lie down and listen to some relaxing music, but whatever I'm doing I'm going to be still!
- Go on a road trip: This will most likely just be a day thing but I want to just get out of the city at least once and just drive. Maybe down the South Coast?
- Do what needs to be done: Each day I'm going to do one thing I have been putting off. Having things hanging over your head is such a drain on your energy and we all end up with them. For me it is doing a thorough clean out of my house. I want to re-arrange the furniture in my bedroom to release stale energy and have a fresh feel. I also want to go through Bailey's clothes and toys and get rid of what we don't need anymore. Thinking of doing it all at once makes me want to turn and run, but if I break it down into little tasks it should be manageable.
- Nap, nap, nap: There is nothing better than being able to have a nap, when you want and for however long you want. So i fully intend to do that and enjoy every minute of it.
I'm sure I'll think of some other things but for now that seems like a good list. My main focus is relaxation and enjoying each moment so that I can start 2012 and the new work year refreshed and ready to go!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tuesday Tunes: Sigur Ros...
I first started listening to these guys about 3 years ago. I used to have their music on at night when I was at my desk, being creative and I would lose track of all time. I hadn't listened to them in a while but something drew me to listen to them at 10pm last night - it was the end of a pretty ordinary evening of feeling crappy and sad and generally sorry for myself. So I listened and sat in candlelight and cried. About 'what' exactly I don't know but something was definitely inside that needed to come out. I'm sure the specific 'what' of the issue will be revealed in time but at that point I just decided to let it out. If ever there was any music that could shift emotions and really make you feel what's in your heart, it's Sigur Ros. Enjoy.....
Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday Musings: Letting Go & Other Impossible Tasks...
Life on planet earth is supposed to be fluid. It is always better to find some way to flow with it. Make your choices this week by all means, but don't try too hard to take charge of too much. Trust what is happening naturally now. Where things look as if they might just fall into place, give them the benefit of the doubt. You need to be relaxed.
This was my horoscope today by the 'surprisingly' spot on Jonathan Cainer (I say surprisingly because some days JC drives me bonkers with his overly wordy, non sensical predictions which usually reference song lyrics by David Bowie and not much else....). Anyway, today he gave me exactly the advice I have been trying to get myself to follow, but I tend to heed the message better when it comes from another.
I need to relax. I need to not try to take charge of things. I need to trust what is happening naturally. Currently I am feeling unable to do any of these things. And the worst part of it is, that life is actually fine. Nothing 'terrible' is happening. Nothing needs to be attended to urgently. Two weeks of holidays are just around the corner etc etc. Some really great things have happened over the past few weeks - things that I hadn't expected. And yet I still feel a nagging sense of being 'unsettled'. Like I need something to happen and need to know its going to happen. And I'm actually starting to get quite annoyed at myself for not just being able to enjoy each moment and trust that more of them will come, without me trying to 'lock in the next one'.
So today I decided to have a think about what is really going on here. And I came up with a couple of things. The feeling like I need to 'lock in' the next moment of fun or enjoyment leads me to the awareness that I am not living in the moment at all and am quite detached from finding the joy in the day to day. Perhaps deep down in my subconscious I don't completely believe that great things could happen to me consistently. Almost like something great happened so now my quota has been used up? Or that when its just back to me in the every day, its not enough - that I alone am not enough?
Which brought me to an article on Tiny Buddha about "Clinging"(thank you universe). In the article it is suggested that often our clinging is to satisfy our ego - an attachment to prove to ourselves and the world that we are good enough. To prove that we are worthy or somebody special. We want to be heard, loved and appreciated. So we attach ourselves to the needs of those feelings and, in turn, we seek out fulfillment by clinging to external outcomes. Ummm yep. Sounds totally like a spot-on account of what's going on in my head right now. Logically I know that this is true. I've been in that blissfully happy state before and none of my feelings were attached to external outcomes. But I've lost my way and my heart can't connect to that inner wisdom and 'knowing' that I am craving.
The article went on to discuss 4 ways to move from clinging; Know that it is a choice and choose to detach, Ask yourself what are you clinging to and why?, Understand the drawbacks of clinging & Begin a mindfulness practice. The section on the drawbacks of clinging particularly resonated with me:
"Clinging detaches us from our ability to live freely. It removes us from the flow of creativity and flexibility. When we box ourselves in with expectations of a plan, we distract ourselves from seeing a grander picture. When we cling to expectations of people, desires and situations, we become short-sighted".
That is exactly how I currently feel. Lacking in creativity, heavy & short sighted. I know that this is something I need to work through shifting. What I'd really like to do is wake up tomorrow morning and have it all magically be shifted before me, but I am aware enough to know that that ain't going to happen. So what I will do instead is to make that choice in each minute, to just 'be' and go about my daily business without trying to force something and just trust that goodness will come. I will remind myself that everything does not come immediately and that all things occur in their own time. I also think that the space and time provided by my upcoming two weeks holiday from work would be a very good time to be still and listen to what is going on inside so that I can start hearing that inner voice again and feeling that connection with myself.
And finally, I will sit and watch Modern Family tonight because often all you can do and need to do is have an awesome laugh to get your mind off things and to 'let go'!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday Soul: Holiday Reading...
I am currently reading a book called "Little Princes" by Connor Grennan. It's the story of an American College Graduate who established a home for children who were victims of child trafficking in Nepal. It is also his account of risking his life to find other trafficked kids and to reunite them with their families. I highly recommend it, not only as a book that touches your soul but one that is written in such humour at times, that you can't help but laugh out loud. It will especially appeal to anyone who has traveled to areas like Nepal or India, where the cultural differences can create lots of humour (once you get past the frustration that is!). As is evidenced by the following excerpt:
"Few places in the world can teach forbearance like Nepal. Let's say, for instance, that I asked somebody to buy me some bananas from the shop next door. In fact, let's say that I asked him to buy me bananas a week ago - then I reminded him hourly over the next few days. On that one billionth time that I reminded him that he promised to buy the bananas, the man would most likely respond with something to the effect of: "It will definitely happen today, my friend. I swear to you on the life of my son - your bananas will be bought today, in the next hour for sure. Erase all doubt from your mind. In fact, it is actually done already, even as we speak it is being concluded, as sure as the sun rose in the east this morning those bananas have been purchased. They belong to you now - the shopkeeper has no rightful claim to them any longer. You can open your mouth now for the preparation of consuming this banana, which is here, right now. It is in my hand and on its way to your mouth, so I hope that you are ready to eat this fine banana. Your teeth may begin to close as the banana is now in your mouth. How does it taste? Is it very fine?"
What that man really means is: "what bananas?"
Definitely go and pick this book up as a holiday read! I nabbed by copy via the Book Depository for $11 (shipping is free!).
Friday, December 16, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Creative Genius...
Some artistic genius for a Friday. Only hands and mobile phones were used in these ads. Fabulous....
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: The Wonderful World of Dating...
I can distinctly remember the day about 5 years ago, when a friend of mine was going through the initial phases of the separation with her husband. And I thought inside my head "I could not imagine going back into the dating world...." And yet here I am, at the age of 34, back in that exact world. I still wouldn't say that I'm 'full on' dating. I've been on a few dates this year - mainly in an attempt to push myself out of my comfort zone and begin the journey of working out what I actually desire or want in a romantic partner. In all honesty, I don't think I've ever really thought about that question. Which, when you think about the fact that I've been married and had been with the same person for about 13 years, is both understandable yet crazy. I was just a baby back then when that relationship started. I didn't know anything about myself and probably didn't love myself enough to ever be able to know what I truly wanted to bring into my life (or what I needed someone else to bring to a relationship).
But our journeys are what they are, and here I am! Most of my dates from this year have stemmed from on-line dating. That thing that I had thought was taboo, but which just about every person I speak to has been on or is on. As a single, working parent, it is not hard to see why on-line dating is so popular. Sad as it is, who could possibly have the time to be out trying to meet people to go on dates with? Its not like when you were young and your whole life revolved around going out and socialising. My foray into this world has been interesting...... Initially its ok, because of the novelty factor. I went on a date or two early on, but they were basically with guys who were far more into me than I was them (oh and lets not forget the fact that their profile photos did not quite reflect the image that I saw in front of me when I met them in person).
Having said that though, I've been taking it all as a learning experience and not taking things too seriously. (I'm sure my friends will attest to enjoying my humorous tales or receiving phone calls from me in my car after the quickest date in the history of the world where i had to down two alcoholic drinks in less than an hour and was then stuck until I could let enough time pass to drive - that was a doozie!). Its a fantastic reminder of how different people are, and very good practice for me in not making other people's actions mean anything about me (which is something I could never manage in my 20's). It has also allowed me to get clear on what I will and won't accept from other people, communication, setting boundaries and taking a chance.
The biggest thing I have gotten out of it lately is a shift in how I view myself. The concept I had in my head of me as a 'dating female' was very much linked to my 20 year old self. A self that has absolutely nothing to do with who I am now. But its been a long time between drinks and when you haven't had to address that issue, the old ways of thinking still exist. I can now see myself as the mature, intelligent, funny and sexy (being able to describe myself as sexy is a HUGE shift for me and one that has been one of the biggest hurdles for me to get over) woman that I am, who any man would be lucky to take on a date ; ) Its early days yet, and I'm sure there will be many more stories to come but for now I'm going to continue to take it step by step, trust my intuition and, most importantly, enjoy and learn from this step on my journey.
P.S. I'm still trying to work out what it is telling me about myself when I attract a rodeo rider from Western Victoria whose musical tastes are Korn, Abba and salsa.!!!! You've gotta laugh.....
But our journeys are what they are, and here I am! Most of my dates from this year have stemmed from on-line dating. That thing that I had thought was taboo, but which just about every person I speak to has been on or is on. As a single, working parent, it is not hard to see why on-line dating is so popular. Sad as it is, who could possibly have the time to be out trying to meet people to go on dates with? Its not like when you were young and your whole life revolved around going out and socialising. My foray into this world has been interesting...... Initially its ok, because of the novelty factor. I went on a date or two early on, but they were basically with guys who were far more into me than I was them (oh and lets not forget the fact that their profile photos did not quite reflect the image that I saw in front of me when I met them in person).
Having said that though, I've been taking it all as a learning experience and not taking things too seriously. (I'm sure my friends will attest to enjoying my humorous tales or receiving phone calls from me in my car after the quickest date in the history of the world where i had to down two alcoholic drinks in less than an hour and was then stuck until I could let enough time pass to drive - that was a doozie!). Its a fantastic reminder of how different people are, and very good practice for me in not making other people's actions mean anything about me (which is something I could never manage in my 20's). It has also allowed me to get clear on what I will and won't accept from other people, communication, setting boundaries and taking a chance.
The biggest thing I have gotten out of it lately is a shift in how I view myself. The concept I had in my head of me as a 'dating female' was very much linked to my 20 year old self. A self that has absolutely nothing to do with who I am now. But its been a long time between drinks and when you haven't had to address that issue, the old ways of thinking still exist. I can now see myself as the mature, intelligent, funny and sexy (being able to describe myself as sexy is a HUGE shift for me and one that has been one of the biggest hurdles for me to get over) woman that I am, who any man would be lucky to take on a date ; ) Its early days yet, and I'm sure there will be many more stories to come but for now I'm going to continue to take it step by step, trust my intuition and, most importantly, enjoy and learn from this step on my journey.
P.S. I'm still trying to work out what it is telling me about myself when I attract a rodeo rider from Western Victoria whose musical tastes are Korn, Abba and salsa.!!!! You've gotta laugh.....
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday Musings: Compassion & Courage...
The person who has not been humbled and bewildered cannot know compassion.
The person who has not been afraid has had no reason to seek and find courage.
Stephanie Dowrick
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday Soul: Hooray for Me!...
- Living on my own and looking after Bailey as a fully fledged single parent.
- Living alone for the first time since leaving my parents house when I was 22 years old (I spent many a month alone when I was married and my partner was in the Army but I was still attached if you know what I mean....).
- Finding new daycare facilities for Bailey and dealing with the settling-in issues for him.
- Working in 3 different work environments, learning totally new tasks in completely new industries and making friends in each.
- Getting myself back on track after a major emotional dip.
- Deepening friendships and being my complete self.
- Traveling to Hawaii and staying there on my own.
- Traveling to India on my own and then holidaying with a group of new people.
- Playing competitive hockey again after 3 years out of the game.
- Losing weight when I felt I needed to (I don't say this because I have a weight issue, more because if you knew how much I love food, you would appreciate how even the thought of losing weight for me could be huge!).
- Clean eating for 4 weeks (or even a minute really! See above point and you will understand).
- Navigating the dating world again and all this entails.....
- Starting a new blog.
- Healing/ grieving the end of a marriage/ 13 year relationship.
I may have forgotten some things but this is pretty good I think for someone who had been going to write off this year as the one where I didn't have any expectations other than 'to live through it'.
I feel like a corner is being turned for me and a new beginning is just up ahead. I know there will be twists and turns and highs a lows, because that's life. But its so nice to be ending this year feeling more at peace than I have done in a long while. Regardless of what has been thrown at me I am so grateful for what I have and for the fact that I have the ability to get back up when I've been knocked down (thanks to very supportive family and friends, as well as my inner strength).
Looking forward to an amazing 2012 (just saying that scares the hell out of me. I could swear it was only just the year 2000!)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Ange, Will & Grace & a HOT guy....
A random mix, I know! But too many fabulous things have crossed my path for this Friday and I don't want to leave anything out. Firstly, my bestest gal pal, Ange, is in town this week and its my turn to hang with her tonight- Yeah! Second of all, awesome vid comparing Kevin Bacon in the original Footloose to his classic cameo scene from Will & Grace. And thirdly, I don't really think any words are needed for the awesome tattooed specimen below, as he just speaks for himself really ; )
Have a fabulous Friday!
Have a fabulous Friday!
me (left) & Ange (right) the last time I saw her
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Self-Respect...
"No-one else can give you self-respect. After a while, no-one can take it away either. No-one can buy it for you. No-one can pass it on. Self-respect does not depend on age, wealth, good looks, status, race, religion or culture. In fact, some of the people who are most inwardly comfortable and whose dignity, integrity and self-respect make them wonderful company and utterly inspiring to be with, have none of what 'the world' values most. Self-respect comes from within. It reflects and develops your inner life, your view of yourself and the depth of your appreciation of life itself. It also shapes utterly the way you see and interact with the world beyond yourself."
Stephanie Dowrick
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday Musings: Habitual Thinking...
Lately I've been thinking a lot about habits - particularly in regard to habits in my thinking. Last night I got to thinking about the way my mind perceives scenarios and choices that are presented to me. An event comes into my mind and is filtered straight away as a right or a wrong - that's my default way of thinking. And this default creates an enormous amount of pressure and in turn makes me feel stuck and fearful of making decisions because my brain doesn't want to make the 'wrong' decision. It makes me feel that I get choice a). or b). and one is right and one is wrong. And if I choose the 'wrong' one there will be consequences that are 'bad'.
What I want to try on is the idea that each situation is just what it is. It doesn't have to be 'right' or 'wrong.' Yes there will be a consequence or result for any decision made but there doesn't need to be a ledger in my own head of right or wrong (totally linked to high expectations and judging myself too harshly - but that's a whole other post!). This might sound really simple and goes without saying for some people. But we all have our defaults or ways of operating that have been ingrained in us from so long ago that we aren't even aware of it (or we are and it can feel impossible to break out of decades of habitual thinking and reaction). Obviously that is not going to be changed or shifted in a week or maybe even months. But I know that with consistent monitoring it can be done and I'm going to acknowledge myself for being aware of it.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday Soul: Disconnected, Connected...
On Thursday I was sitting outside during my lunch break and felt the need to write. I was feeling really 'blah' and couldn't think of any other way to get rid of those feelings. So i just started writing and this is what came out:
Feeling really disconnected from people. And it hit me like a tonne of bricks last night. I realised how much time I spend trying to fill my own tank and just being on my own in general. I know the only solution is to ask for what I need but right now I'm just sick of that. It would be nice, just for one day, to have someone else around who recognises what I need and be there to fill my tank without me searching for it or asking for it.
I didn't talk to anyone about this and then as I was driving later that night I got a call from my sister Lauren and her first words were "I'm calling to see how you're doing." She could not have anticipated how much those words meant to me at that time and how much they filled my heart and made me feel connected again. Thank you Lauren.......
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Bathing Beauty...
Today's fabulousness is this picture of what appears to be the ultimate in relaxing bathroom environments. Of which I have been so drawn because of the fact that I have now gone without a bath in my home for nearly a year. And.... IT IS KILLING ME!!! I am seriously a bath queen. Throughout my life it has been my 'go to' thing. If I'm sick, feeling sad, want to relax or indulge myself, I have a bath. So to have gone a year without one (my current apartment only has a shower), represents deprivation in every sense of the word. Last night I stayed at my parents house so finally got to have a bath and it was FABULOUS....
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: How Do We Stop Being Who We Aren't...
The following first appeared on but I found it via Soulseeds. I've been thinking alot lately about really being yourself and how difficult it can be to stay in touch with who that really is and to express it in the everyday. The Universe must have brought this article to me.....
"We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be. The only problem is that there is also so much other stuff, typically fixations with how people perceive us, how to get more of the things that we think will make us happy, and with keeping our weight down. So the real issue is how do we gently stop being who we aren’t? How do we relieve ourselves of the false fronts of people-pleasing and affectation, the obsessive need for power and security, the backpack of old pain, and the psychic Spanx that keeps us smaller and contained?
Here’s how I became myself: mess, failure, mistakes, disappointments, and extensive reading; limbo, indecision, setbacks, addiction, public embarrassment, and endless conversations with my best women friends; the loss of people without whom I could not live, the loss of pets that left me reeling, dizzying betrayals but much greater loyalty, and overall, choosing as my motto William Blake’s line that we are here to learn to endure the beams of love.
Oh, yeah, and whenever I could, for as long as I could, I threw away the scales and the sugar.
When I was a young writer, I was talking to an old painter one day about how he came to paint his canvases. He said that he never knew what the completed picture would look like, but he could usually see one quadrant. So he’d make a stab at capturing what he saw on the canvas of his mind, and when it turned out not to be even remotely what he’d imagined, he’d paint it over with white. And each time he figured out what the painting wasn’t, he was one step closer to finding out what it was.
You have to make mistakes to find out who you aren’t. You take the action, and the insight follows: You don’t think your way into becoming yourself.
I can’t tell you what your next action will be, but mine involved a full stop. I had to stop living unconsciously, as if I had all the time in the world. The love and good and the wild and the peace and creation that are you will reveal themselves, but it is harder when they have to catch up to you in roadrunner mode. So one day I did stop. I began consciously to break the rules I learned in childhood: I wasted more time, as a radical act. I stared off into space more, into the middle distance, like a cat. This is when I have my best ideas, my deepest insights. I wasted more paper, printing out instead of reading things on the computer screen. (Then I sent off more small checks to the Sierra Club.)
Every single day I try to figure out something I no longer agree to do. You get to change your mind—your parents may have accidentally forgotten to mention this to you. I cross one thing off the list of projects I mean to get done that day. I don’t know all that many things that are positively true, but I do know two things for sure: first of all, that no woman over the age of 40 should ever help anyone move, ever again, under any circumstances. You have helped enough. You can say no. No is a complete sentence. Or you might say, “I can’t help you move because of certain promises I have made to myself, but I would be glad to bring sandwiches and soda to everyone on your crew at noon.” Obviously, it is in many people’s best interest for you not to find yourself, but it only matters that it is in yours—and your back’s—and the whole world’s, to proceed.
And, secondly, you are probably going to have to deal with whatever fugitive anger still needs to be examined—it may not look like anger; it may look like compulsive dieting or bingeing or exercising or shopping. But you must find a path and a person to help you deal with that anger. It will not be a Hallmark card. It is not the yellow brick road, with lovely trees on both sides, constant sunshine, birdsong, friends. It is going to be unbelievably hard some days—like the rawness of birth, all that blood and those fluids and shouting horrible terrible things—but then there will be that wonderful child right in the middle. And that wonderful child is you, with your exact mind and butt and thighs and goofy greatness.
Dealing with your rage and grief will give you life. That is both the good news and the bad news: The solution is at hand. Wherever the great dilemma exists is where the great growth is, too. It would be very nice for nervous types like me if things were black-and-white, and you could tell where one thing ended and the next thing began, but as Einstein taught us, everything in the future and the past is right here now. There’s always something ending and something beginning. Yet in the very center is the truth of your spiritual identity: is you. Fabulous, hilarious, darling, screwed-up you. Beloved of God and of your truest deepest self, the self that is revealed when tears wash off the makeup and grime. The self that is revealed when dealing with your anger blows through all the calcification in your soul’s pipes. The self that is reflected in the love of your very best friends’ eyes. The self that is revealed in divine feminine energy, your own, Bette Midler’s, Hillary Clinton’s, Tina Fey’s, Michelle Obama’s, Mary Oliver’s. I mean, you can see that they are divine, right? Well, you are, too. I absolutely promise. I hope you have gotten sufficiently tired of hitting the snooze button; I know that what you need or need to activate in yourself will appear; I pray that your awakening comes with ease and grace, and stamina when the going gets hard. To love yourself as you are is a miracle, and to seek yourself is to have found yourself, for now. And now is all we have, and love is who we are."
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