Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Soul: Holy Cow...

                                                                    Source: via Z on Pinterest

I've been re-reading Sarah Macdonald's book, Holy Cow, the hilarious account of her Indian Adventure from her time when she lived there for a number of years. I first read it back in 2002 (oh my God as I read this I feel sick thinking that that was a decade ago. Sheesh....). Anyway, I was in a second hand bookstore last week and saw it on the shelf and felt that I really wanted to buy it - so I did. If you have never read it, you absolutely must. If you've never been to India it is one of the best depictions of the crazy and wonderful country in all its glory. If you have been to India you'll also love it because it's like re-living every aspect of what filled you with love and drove you crazy when you were there.

There are accounts and descriptions in the book which have you crying with laughter but also insights and words of wisdom such as the following that an elderly woman shared with Sarah on her travels:

"I like your Jesus and such and there's no doubt he was a great sadhu, most likely trained in India, but you know, he was wrong about God. God is not a judgmental giant sitting up in heaven, it's a force within us all - we are lightbulbs in the electrical system of the universe."

Captures brilliantly the pervading view on faith that I experienced (and believe myself) and explains why I felt like I had 'come home' spiritually when I was there. Oh India. Holy Cow, what a place......

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Five For The Weekend

                                                                   Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

The British Olympic team dressed by Stella McCartney. Very cool.

Our iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge as the backdrop to the latest look over at Carolines Mode.

Frank Ferrante's wise words on being Sixty-Four (via The Daily Love).

A breath-taking mixture of artistic genres featuring The Australian Ballet.

Feeling happy & other weird things (I can so relate to this right now) at Live Your Truth blog.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: A Prayer...

                                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

A Prayer

Refuse to fall down.
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled,
and it will be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
toward heaven—
only you.
It is in the midst of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good came of this,
is not yet listening.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Self...

                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday Treats: The Simple Things...

So simple but soooo yummy! Would be perfect with a cup of tea : )

                                                                                Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Musings: Happier...

(via Aubrey Road)

This is very much how I feel right now and I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Soul: Must Eat Greens...

                                                                Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

Things I learned today from going to the Tarot reader:

I'm a dream worker which means I processes a lot of my learning through my dreams, which affects my sleep.

I'm a magnifier. I'm very good at seeing to the heart and truth of what is going on with people and shining a light on this for them to see. If I'm with people who want to see the truth it's great because I can light it all up and help them work their magic. But for those who don't want to see, it creates a conflict. I need to make sure that I surround myself with people who want to see, who are filled with joy.

Where I am right now in terms of my job is exactly where I'm meant to be.

I see the validity of all human beings and accept that all people are on different paths. 

When I completely tap into being who I am I will change the world and those around me just by me being in someone's presence. I will be able to move through the world, in any circumstances and not be negatively affected because I will know that all I have to do is 'be me' in that place and everything will sort itself out. 

I understand that the dark and light are needed. That you can't and shouldn't avoid all aspects of life, ups and downs. All of it together is what makes life and helps you go where you need to. 

I need to play and have fun and be child-like and live joyously. 

I'm not going to find my twin flame or true love until I learn what it means to be truly me and live that each and every day. I've been given the love in past lives but each time, it has prevented me from learning the lesson of knowing my true self and bringing those gifts to the world. The frustration of going through another life without learning this outweighs the desire to just find my soul mate right now. 

A challenge is coming, a fire, where it is crucial that I use everything I have learned up until now to bring me through. If I don't, I will be burned and really feel the affects of it. At this time it will be crucial for me to speak the truth, to myself and others. No matter what. If I can get through that in the right way, something really delicious is waiting on the other side. In the form of me being able to experience being in the world exactly how I am meant to be, sharing my gifts and then finding my twin flame or person I'm really connected to. 

Lots of things to process. And lots of things that do make sense to me. All of this, I get. I can understand it, accept it, feel as though I can work with it (even though I felt my stomach drop when she said a challenge is coming - haven't I had enough of these already?). I have been sleeping terribly lately. Having very intense and strange dreams that seem to in some way be linked to the past but that I can't really understand (so it must be that my subconscious is processing my learnings). I've also been feeling like I'm in a grounded place, where I am being myself and I'm happy with that. With that has come a more intense feeling that my purpose to being here is to focus on finding out about me and enjoying who I am as much as I can. 

But, there is a very big clincher to all of this. And that is....

I'm supposed to be a vegan. Me, the eater and enjoyer of all things cheeseburger and processed. It will be the biggest challenge of my life, not something I should attempt all at once but over a two year period, step by step, small adjustments at a time. Get a blender and start adding green stuff to smoothies. A complete paradigm shift in my food world. I will say that this one has stopped me in my tracks. It has never, ever entered my mind to eat raw foods or have a vegan diet. I'm the one who sees other people doing it and think I could never do that. But apparently in my physical realm I'm an elephant and I'm trying to be a cheetah. So it's never going to work. And do you want to hear the real kicker? Unless I eat green, I'll never meet the love of my life (okay, she didn't say this specifically but this is pretty much what she alluded to and is how my mind has processed the whole thing).

My initial instinct was to ask if this was a cruel joke? And I'm still not entirely sure what to make of the whole thing. But according to this tarot reader the food aspect is hugely tied in to my ability to be completely and totally connected and aligned with who I truly am. Talk about challenge. She didn't even tell me I needed to do this from a point of view of her saying it's the way you need to live life or because she eats this way. She actually had a look of pity on her face, like poor you, you have THAT card. In fact I think her parting words were 'Good luck with the greens'. 

So where does this leave me? Well I could blow the whole thing off and continue to eat the way I do, which isn't as bad as I make out. I might enjoy some processed food every now and then but I don't eat it all the time. I just really enjoy eating all types of food and don't really eat a lot of fresh, green foods. And I just don't enjoy being strict about what I eat. On the flip side, however, I have been feeling really stuck regarding what to eat each week and have not been feeling good physically. So in light of that, maybe it is time for me to try something completely new. 

Nothing to lose right? And hey, I might even feel better physically and find a man from eating kale ; ) 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Five For The Weekend...

                                                                       Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Speaking out about the realities of living with a mental illness.

We've laughed so hard we cried this week at work looking at these images of wigs for cats (if you're a dog lover, don't feel left out. You can find dog wigs here!).

A Dream Catcher from Electric Love has just been added to my wish list.

I've been watching lots of movies lately. Next on my list is this and this.

I just finished reading "I Shall Not Hate" by Izzeldin Abuelaish. What a truly inspiring man. You can read more about him here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: A Step Back In Time...

                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Last night I went back in time. Back in time to a place and a feeling that I'd forgotten.

I was having a conversation with my ex after hockey training, just having a quick catch up about our Little Man, when he suddenly asked if he could give me a hug. He said that he was thinking about us lately and how our life together now seems like a big blur and that he just felt the need to give me a hug.

And it was the strangest feeling. Because that was the hug that had previously been my life. That I got each morning, or night or whenever I needed it. For a very long time. And to feel that again, quite unexpectedly, after two years just brought up all these mixed feelings and emotions. Especially when the past two years have been predominantly filled with the anger, frustration, sadness, and the establishment of new and separate lives that accompanies separation. I've spent the past two years distancing myself from this person who was once the closest person in the world to me physically and emotionally, so to have him in my physical space so closely like that again, even for a moment, was quite overwhelming. (To clarify, its nothing along the lines of romantic feelings but a reminder of what this person used to be to me. Even though we've been separated for two years now, I will still often find myself being struck by a though of 'wow, I'm no longer married or with this person now' and it seems surreal).

Once I got past the being overwhelmed bit, I actually shed a tear or two because in those moments I had a flash back to feeling like it was 16 years ago when we first met and we were friends. When it was so simple - we had nothing but the best of intentions for each other and lots of love to give. And we would never have perceived back then that our lives together would pan out as they have. It really does still blow my mind when I actually stop to think about it all and remember how things used to be.

Obviously dwelling on such things is of no benefit and life will always be shifting and changing. But its just so weird when you get those moments where the reality of everything kind of slaps you in the face and you are really present to your feelings. When you stop pushing forward and moving on auto pilot and truly reflect on what has passed, what you've learned and how things have changed.

Life hey? What a crazy, crazy, ride.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Happiness...

                                                                          Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Now That's a Sandwich...

                                                                      Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Musings: Wizards, Parties and Pride...

                                                                 Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Yesterday Bailey and I went to the party of a little friend of his, Marcel, who was celebrating his 3rd birthday (I know, Marcel, how cute right? His mother is French and the 3 siblings all speak English and fluent French). It was my first kids party as a single parent. I admit I had moments of feeling a little out of place with all the couples there and pangs of sadness being in a family home with a mum and dad and 3 kids (and thinking about the fact that Bailey doesn't have this). But I just let those feelings sit there, acknowledged them and then let them go. I'm so glad I didn't dwell on them because I would have missed out on the joy of watching Bailey have such a lovely time. I was so proud of how polite he was, and how well he adapted to being the only child there from Marcel's daycare amidst family friends who had known each other for years. The look of joy on his face when the Wizard turned up was priceless and he was so excited by absolutely everything.

We have our hard moments but for the majority of my days right now I spend my time marveling at how lucky I am and enjoying spending every minute I can with Bailey. Being single in many ways allows me to focus much more attention on Bailey in these special early years than I probably could if I was trying to juggle a new romantic relationship as well. (I definitely want that for myself but I can appreciate it all happening in good time and being grateful for what I have right now).

And to top off the pride I feel in my little man, a father at daycare came up to my car window this afternoon, who I had met once or twice before and went out of his way to tell me that I must be doing something right because Bailey is such a lovely, polite boy who always says hello to him.

There is nothing more that a mother could hope for.....

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday Soul: Starting All Over Again...

                                                                                 Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

My friend Stella posted this quote on pinterest and I was so drawn to it. My life has been filled with ups and downs, chaos and simplicity, joy and despair, just like everyone else. Regardless, I am proud of all of it. And most of all I'm proud of having the strength to start again, especially at the times where it would be easier not to do so. I don't know if I believe that we ever start again because I think that no matter what, little pieces of the past and our experiences always remain within us somewhere. I like to view it as changing direction.

For me I feel a definite sense of changing direction right now. An opening up even. I am continually amazed by the phases of life we go through and the changes we experience, even the most subtle. A month or so ago I was feeling stuck, uninspired and was struggling to experience joy in the everyday. Now that has shifted and I feel far more hopeful and opening to experiencing life in whatever way it comes. My creative spirit has been awakened again and I am spending a lot of my time watching movies and reading books, which is great because I love to be drawn into an experience or space that is different, to have my perspective on life and the world change and to be inspired by what others have been through or achieved.

It was uncanny that I came across this quote just after I had finished watching Midnight In Paris, where the focus was on writers and creatives such as F. Scott  Fitzgerald, and where the main character played by Owen Wilson, inevitably learned that he had to indeed start again in order to live a life that he could be proud on and that reflected who he truly was. I've experienced the starting all over again in the past 4 years in nearly every aspect; relationships, career, with myself. Those have all been in huge ways. But more recently starting all over again has looked like little changes. Starting again does not always mean we have to change every aspect of our lives or choose a monumental action. It can simply mean shifting one perspective or belief, or saying 'yes' instead of saying 'no'. For me, it has often been these small actions along the way that have had the biggest impact.

I don't necessarily know what is around the corner for me but I look forward to each week and seeing what I learn, what joy can be found in simple things. And I am just really happy feeling like I'm living 'my life'. There will always be things to wish for and strive for and there are things I haven't experienced or don't yet have in my life that I definitely believe I want. But for now I'm content in knowing that I'm on the path exactly where I'm meant to be and that things will unfold in the best way possible provided that I stay optimistic, open, creative and willing to step outside my comfort zone.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Something For The Weekend...

                                                                  Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Get a happiness boost here.

Do you feel you are always waiting for your life to start?

Did you know that pleasure is a food group?

I would love to own this artwork titled Over The Rainbow. Danita Art is one of my favourite sources of creative inspiration.

How to kick the butts of avoidance, fear and emotional roadblocks.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Dreaming of Sleep...

                                                           Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Today I have spent the whole day dreaming of sleep. I was tired from the moment I woke up this morning. And I'm not just talking any old kind of tired. I'm talking 'my eye balls feel like they are burning' kind of tired. For the past 3 weeks or so, no matter whether I go to bed early or late, I wake up in the early hours of the morning. One day it's 4:30am, next its 3:30am. Always random times but always a broken sleep and then half an hour or so until I can get back to sleep. So then I fall back into a deep sleep and struggle big time when tits time to get up 2 or 3 hours later. Argggh (I know, its not a serious problem on  the scale of problems you can have in life but I'm one of those people who need 8 hours of good sleep a night. One or two nights without it and I'm ok, but weeks on end equals not good). 

Hence all I've been thinking about today is how much I wished I was at home, asleep in my nice cozy bed. My subconscious must be going crazy for some reason (but its not like anything in particular is bothering me or on my mind to wake me up in the middle of the night?). I long for just one night of unbroken sleep - and hope that tonight is it. All I can say is thank God tomorrow is Friday and some rest is heading my way!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Some days...

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Cheese. I die...

                                                                           Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Musings: I Will Still Love You Even When...

                                                                       Source: Uploaded by user via Belinda on Pinterest

I will still love you even when you draw with texta all over your legs and face while I'm on the phone to my best friend who was to be my only source of adult conversation in the whole evening.

I will still love you even when you scream and kick and thrash about so I can't put you in the shower to wash the texta off.

I will still love you even when I drop you off at kindy tomorrow and everyone thinks I'm a terrible mother who doesn't shower you because you still have remnants of red coloured texta all over your body (and you won't be able to explain that your mother did eventually shower you, but it was still impossible to get text of that magnitude off your skin).

I will still love you even when you scream at the top of your lungs for half an hour and I am sure a neighbour will come to the door any minute and tell me to do something to shut that kid up (either that or get a call from DOCS because someone thinks you are being murdered).

I will still love you even when you scream through The Biggest Loser which is the only adult show I get to watch in the whole morning and night.

I will still love you when you kick me in the shins and tell me I'm an idiot (oh yes, that's my personal favourite).


Because there was a time when you were first born where I didn't feel like a mother. Where, for whatever reasons my mind and hormones and whatever else decided to launch a full on revolt and remove any sense of joy that I had anticipated feeling in regards to your arrival and indeed my life in general. And for a considerable amount of time I made that mean that I was not a 'real' mother. Even though I could acknowledge myself for clawing my way out of that dark hole and I was eternally grateful for feeling like I was getting a second chance at my life, I still felt like no matter what I did or how much time would pass, I could never make it up to you. It was like there was an unwritten testament that your Dad was the 'proper' parent in this equation and I wasn't because I had failed you and had not been able to care for you the way that I should have when you were first born.

But now that feeling has gone. And in its place is a woman who finally feels and knows with all of her heart and being that she is your mother, in every sense of the word. So even when you are at your very worst and I am being tested beyond measure (like tonight!), I know how lucky I am. Lucky to have survived and come through the other side of post natal depression. Lucky that I can feel every bit of it - the love, the frustration, the anger, the joy. Lucky to experience being so connected to another human being and having so much love for them that nothing they could do could make you not love them. Lucky to be the person who can teach you right from wrong. And lucky to be the person who, after the screams have died down and the tears have dried up and the promises of being good tomorrow have been made, gets to wrap you in my arms, kiss you goodnight and thank God that you are mine.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Soul: Read All About It (Part III)...

                                                                             Source: via Brianne on Pinterest

In keeping with this week's thoughts and theme of making a difference, letting your light shine and making your voice heard, I love the message in the lyrics of Emeli Sande's song "Read All About It (Part III)".

You've got the words to change a nationbut you're biting your tongueYou've spent a life time stuck in silenceafraid you'll say something wrongIf no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song?So come, on come onCome on, come onYou've got a heart as loud as lionsSo why let your voice be tamed?Baby we're a little differentthere's no need to be ashamedYou've got the light to fight the shadowsso stop hiding it awayCome on, Come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shoutI wanna scream till the words dry outso put it in all of the papers,i'm not afraidthey can read all about itread all about it ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-oh
At night we're waking up the neighbourswhile we sing away the bluesmaking sure that we remember yeahcause we all matter tooif the truth has been forbiddenthen we're breaking all the rulesso come on, come oncome on, come on,lets get the tv and the radioto play our tune againits 'bout time we got some airplay of our version of eventsthere's no need to be afraidi will sing with you my friendCome on, come on

I wanna sing, I wanna shoutI wanna scream till the words dry outso put it in all of the papers,i'm not afraidthey can read all about itread all about it ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-oh
Yeah we're all wonderful, wonderful peopleso when did we all get so fearful?Now we're finally finding our voicesso take a chance, come help me sing thisYeah we're all wonderful, wonderful peopleso when did we all get so fearful?and now we're finally finding our voicesso take a chance, come help me sing this
I wanna sing, I wanna shoutI wanna scream till the words dry outso put it in all of the papers,i'm not afraidthey can read all about itread all about it ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-ohoh-oh-oh
I wanna sing, I wanna shoutI wanna scream till the words dry outso put it in all of the papers,i'm not afraidthey can read all about itread all about it oh
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