Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Musings: Permission Granted...

                                                                Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

This week I'm giving myself permission.

Permission to do nothing I am usually obligated to do (or make myself feel obligated to do). No cleaning the bathroom, no cleaning the kitchen, no vacuuming, no running at lunch time. Bedrooms untidy - oh well. Scrambled eggs for dinner - sweet!

In short, I'm having a week of being somewhat lazy. Why? Because thats what my intuition is telling me I need. Obviously weeks on end of no cleaning or making 'proper' meals or exercising is not a good idea but every now and then we need to cut ourselves a break. A break from the pressures of trying to do everything, of being at the top of our game, of juggling all the balls. And sometimes in order to keep the balls in the air it is necessary to put them all down, just for a little while. Having an untidy house for a week is not really going to affect my life. My mind sometimes makes me thing that if I let some things slip for a few days or a week it will ultimately lead to a lifetime of misery or disarray. But seriously, is a week of not having a tidy house going to equal a lifetime of squalor? Is a week of not running going to make me lose all my fitness and never play another hockey game well? I don't think so..... But that is the kind of pressure I place on myself each week in regards to so many aspects of life (I would hazard a guess that most of us do). Some weeks all these things happen naturally and effortlessly and there is no problem. In the ones, however, where we feel empty, dog tired and drained, it is necessary to cut ourselves some slack.

So my basic obligations will be fulfilled this week - going to work, looking after Bailey, one night of hockey training and my creative writing course. Apart from this, however, I'm going to do whatever I feel like doing in each moment. At this point in time that may very well look like sitting on the couch under a blanket watching tv or reading a book in any spare time I have. And if thats what will make me feel rested, lighter and less weighed down this week, then I give myself permission to do just that.

What will you give yourself permission to do this week? 

P.S If you need some tips on how to take gentle care of yourself when you are busy busy busy then check out this article by Marthe over at The Freedom Experiment. Sooooo many good ideas!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Soul: There Are Days...

                                                             Source: via Carolyn on Pinterest

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Something for The Weekend...

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

8 things I've learned about life, the universe and everything and how to lift the fog of indecision and CHOOSE . Gold nuggets of wisdom from Alexandra Franzen.

Why we're scared of being in balance.

Gorgeous flowers and decor abound at Ada & Darcy.

I could definitely picture myself living here.

Pink love at the Nina Ricci show (via Hanneli).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: The Writers Studio...

                                                                  Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tonight marked the second night of my 4 week "Unlocking Creativity" creative writing course. In an ideal world I would have posted about my first week before now, but as usual, the days and life have gotten away from me and a week has flown past in the blink of an eye.

Anyway, I really enjoyed my first week although I definitely felt out of my comfort zone. I may be able to write easily when doing so from my own heart and as me, but I have always struggled with writing in character (As I say that I might have to take it back - I do recall as a child I was always writing stories at school and home. I sooooo thought I was going to be the next Paula Danziger or Judy Blume!). But as I got older this ability seemed to fade. It probably coincided with the judgement and self criticism that accompanies ones teen years.

Part of the process in the classes I am currently doing is to be given a short exercise and to share what you have written with someone else. While I admit that my writing is never as bad as what I fear, I still find myself having flashbacks of the creative writing component of my final high school english exams and having no idea what to write, my mind blank and the clock ticking. To this day I thank my lucky stars that you never got your work back or had to find out what the specific grade was that you were awarded because I'm sure I would have been mortified.

Despite my anxieties, flashbacks and lack of comfort, I am going with the flow and trusting the process. The teachers keep reassuring us that we will be so surprised by the improvement we will see over the 4 weeks. At this stage I am not entirely convinced in regards to my own progress (yes, we are our own toughest critics) but I look forward to being proved wrong!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: Surround Yourself...

                                                                                           Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Creme Brulee doughnuts...

                                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Musings: Warning - Mini Dummy Spit Ahead...

                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

I don't like to whine or dump misery on this blog but tonight I just need to unleash and allow myself to be human. I want to believe that there is something more than this waiting for me. That there will come a day (sooner rather than later) where I'm not having to do it all alone. Where I'm not faced with the constant battle of trying to pep myself up and be strong and have faith. Where the road feels a little easier and stays that way.

P.S Universe, I am grateful for everything and this isn't how I feel about my life as a whole. But it might take me a day or two to get my mojo back......

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Soul: Your Greatest Gift...

                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.
Lao Tsu

via terramantra 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' For The Weekend...

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Taylor Swift looking gorgeous in her photo shoot for Harper's Bazaar Australia. And I think this is one of my all time favourite photos of Jen Aniston.

Moneyball is a much watch movie - I loved it. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill are both brilliant in it (It redeemed Brad Pitt in my eyes after the fiasco that was Tree of Life ; )

Hilarious Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron video

The colour of this Blood Orange, Prosecco and Thyme Sorbet is amazing! (Roost via In Between Spaces).

This sweatshirt is the best - I want! (via Ginny Branch Stelling on Pinterest).

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: A Letter To My Boy...

Dear Bailey,

I know you probably get sick of hearing me say this but 'I love you more than the whole wide world'. I say it so much that I must sound like a broken record. But I am compelled to say it over and over again. Because if I don't, there may be a minute that goes by where you don't feel it, hear it or know it and I couldn't let this happen. I am amazed by you every day. By the things you say and do and what you learn and the effect you have on the people around you. By the effect that you have on me - how you make the world a better place by being in it and me a better person by being your mother. I may make mistakes and not always know what I'm doing but I want you to know that with every ounce of my being I am making decisions with your best interest at heart. You are my 'be all and end all'. The most precious gift I have ever been given.

When you ask me 'Mummy, are you proud of me?' it almost makes me cry to think that you even need to ask me that. Firstly because you are so small and you ask such a question and secondly, because to think that I could ever be anything other than proud of you is unthinkable. I only hope that someday I will ask you that question and your answer will be an undoubted 'yes'. That will truly be the happiest day of my life. 

I love you always and forever.

x Your Mummy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Chocolate Donuts with Blood Orange Glaze...

                                                                     Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Musings: Reality...

                                                                 Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Many around you want to point out ‘reality’ to you. They say, ‘Face the facts. Look at what-is.’ And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, by Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is… You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more. 

Abraham Hicks (via Boodahboy)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Soul: The Emotional Rollercoaster...

                                                                 Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

The past 24-48 hours has been a blur of emotion and learning and ups and downs and generally pretty draining. While I am cursing getting numerous lessons shoved into a short space of time when all I want is rest, I'm trying to maintain perspective and remember that this stuff always come up and comes at you whether you think its the 'right' time or not. Instead of viewing it in the negative I'm trying to see the value in what I'm learning from it all and be grateful for the opportunity I am being given to practice the skills I am trying to develop. In particular the skills of speaking my truth, of voicing my opinion, and of communicating rather than shutting down (especially when the easier option would be to keep quiet). I'm remembering to  forgive myself when I react in ways I would prefer not to and when I give away my power. To accept what is, to know that each minute is a chance to try again and that growth comes from the mistakes.

Some of the conversations and interactions I've had to have this weekend haven't been great. But on the flip side, moving towards my fear of speaking up and voicing that I was hurt by something has allowed me to experience the beauty of someone acknowledging that they've heard me, expressing their love of our friendship and, in turn, deepening that friendship in a way that I might not have experienced otherwise. I felt the joy of knowing that it is possible for me to communicate my feelings and speak my truth clearly and effectively without being shut down and it has given me the courage to keep doing this (It also says a great deal about this particular work mate of mine who is mature above her years and who I thank deeply for supporting me on the journey I am currently on).

I've spent a great deal of my life experiencing speaking up as something that can only lead to conflict and hence have avoided doing. Of course now I can see that by going into every situation with this belief ingrained in my head, I was only ever going to get that exact thing back. But I've been able to re-frame the way I perceive myself and what I have to say, as well as refine my communication skills. And because I have changed my way of being in the world and committed myself to altering the behaviour that doesn't serve me, I have attracted amazing people into my life who support me, show me an alternative way and also challenge me to keep learning and growing - and I am grateful beyond words for that.

So despite feeling wrecked physically and emotionally I am going to go to bed tonight being grateful for the challenges, achievements, failures and opportunities for growth that have come my way in the past couple of days. I may hate them at the time but I know they are all so beneficial to my greater good, so I wouldn't change it for anything.

P.S I also want to thank my twin sis who has been on this emotional rollercoaster with me. She has been my sounding board and counsellor and I'm very, very lucky to have her.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' for The Weekend...

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

I might have just ordered this cardigan on-line (Ok, my name is Bel and I have a cardigan obsession...).

Coveting this shift dress.

I want to go to a dinner party like this one.

A brilliant initiative by a group called The Schoolbag. You can learn more about this on their website.

This newborn photo shoot by the peeps at Butterbomb is beyond adorable.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Happily solo...

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Today I am declaring that I am happily solo.

I have felt the need to voice this because it's a thought that has been nagging at me for a while. Right now, I can 100% say that I am in a place where I feel fulfilled and content with my life exactly as it is. I am okay in the world just as I am. I can take care of myself and my son and am an awesome Mumma. I have amazing family and friends. I have created a life that is about me and for me and I am enjoying that immensely. Up until now I have been able to express gratitude for all these wonderful things and aspects of my life but I have been afraid to express gratitude for being single. I felt like doing so would mean I was sending vibes out into the Universe that I'm not interested in meeting someone special or having a relationship. Or that it meant I wanted to be on my own or single forever. I've been conflicted by my interpretation of this being an 'either, or' situation. I had decided that I couldn't say I was grateful for being on my own and say I would like a romantic partner to enter my life equation.

I also have to admit that I had fallen into that trap of feeling that unless you are in a romantic relationship something is 'missing' from your life. Like it's the 'be all and end all' and if you don't have it your life can never totally be fulfilled or complete, no matter how awesome everything else in it is. (As someone who has been in a marriage that ended, I am the first person to espouse that being in a relationship does not guarantee a complete life, nor can another person fulfill you. It's a hard view to maintain, however, when society is still primarily built around the notion that we are all looking for that someone to spend our lives with. Plus, let's face it, in your 30's most of your friends and family members are attached. So its hard not to succumb to the pressure of taking on the view that your life is incomplete if you are single).

But this week the flick switched in my brain and I gave myself permission to celebrate being exactly where and who I am, right now. This includes celebrating being single without it meaning that I can't manifest a romantic relationship. I have too many things to be grateful for and life is too short to be caught up in the 'something is missing' game. As they say, "Your journey is unfolding exactly as it should be." For now that part of my journey involves being complete with myself - learning and practicing being 'Bel' in this world, as it is now. This will evolve and change into something else when it is supposed to, as all things do. But for now I am being present and embracing and celebrating exactly where I am on this journey right now. Happily solo.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Reading...

                                                                                 Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Unique Ice-cream...

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Musings: My Five Day Weekend...

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

My five day weekend is just about to come to a close and I wish it would go on forever! Isn't it just the greatest feeling when you have a stretch of days ahead of you where you don't have to contemplate work and it feels like you have all the time in the world? That's how I felt for the past five days. As you'll remember from my posts last week, I was about to lose my mind. Thankfully, my sanity has been restored and I feel in a much better place to be able to tackle work and daily life again.

I did manage to have some naps and actually relax but I was also able to balance this out with a bit of Autumn cleaning. Closet, culled and cleaned. Pantry, cleaned. Sheets washed. Collection of magazines, gone. Those things that have been hanging over my head have been tackled and it feels like a weight has been lifted. I've had a good dose of family time, on both my Mum and Dad's sides, which was great. I am so lucky to have family who are always there for me and who never fail to make me laugh. And my little man has been an angel which is also a bonus. In addition to all these happenings I visited a second hand bookstore to stock up on things to read, watched movies, did some drawing, read a magazine in the sun at the park and went for a run. All in all, a very good five days and I am extremely grateful for them and everything and everyone that was in them!

"Ten Thousand flowers in spring
The moon in autumn
A cool breeze in summer
Snow in winter
If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things
This is the best season of your life."


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday Soul: The 'm word'...

Since the dawn of my sisters' and my time on this earth, we have taken issue with a number of words from the english language. Don't ask me how or where this 'issue' arose, but I can assure you it has existed since the day we said and read our first words. Now, there are I'm sure, millions of words that people in the world dislike or take offense to, usually because of the meaning of or behind them or the way in which they are used. The 'c word' for example is an obvious choice and a word most of my female friends and myself detest and male friends know is crossing the boundary of words that should be used. For most of us growing up, the 'f word' and 's word' were big no no's and most of us accept this.

The words that my sister and I take issue with, however, are different. The true test of how well you know us will definitely be whether you know what our 'off limits' words are. Those close to us know that if these words are to be uttered in our presence, it will be met with incredulous sideways glances, violent retching noises and the covering of our ears so that we can block out the horrible sound. So vile are these words to our ears, that when speaking of them we cannot even say the word out loud or in full. It can only be spelt out or referred to as the 'm word' (our all time most hated word, but I'll get to that later) or the 'l word'. (If my sister says to me me 'Oh my God, so and so said the 'm word', I will know straight away which word she is referring to). It is difficult to fully explain why or how these words have come be so repulsive to us. They do not have harsh or derogatory meanings and are not offensive (even though we consider them to be offensive to our ears, mainstream society does not find them to be so). But for some reason, known only to God and the universe, these words torture our souls.

What are these dastardly words that I speak of (or not speak of) you ask? It goes against my entire being to even spell these words out in full but I am going to do so for the benefit of you readers, as there is no other way for me to share them with you. I feel icky just thinking about typing this list, but here goes. They include but are not limited to the following:

moist (top of the list, always and forever - the worst word in the english language, hands down)
tender (cue my jaw dropping and stomach heaving)
luscious (cue my gag reflex working over time)
nourishing (cue violent retching)
supple (cue curling into the fetal position)
broth (if you add tasty before the word broth its double gross - cue I have entered a self induced coma cause I can't take any more gross words).

For some reason, most of these words are often used to describe food (which means watching cooking shows like Masterchef can be an exercise in torture rather than pleasure ew, wait I hate that word too). Must just be a coincidence as I can't think of any traumatic events from childhood relating to food that would have turned us off these words, and we certainly don't have an aversion to food in general. Having said that, I can't think of any traumatic events relating to word usage either, so God only knows where this stems from.....

Anyway, back to the purpose of me writing this post. For the past 30 odd years, our taking issue with numerous words has been met by others with limited understanding. Some people can kind of see what we are talking about but most just don't get it. But today I found a kindred spirit. I do not know this kindred spirit personally, but based on his like-minded word aversion, he must be an awesome bloke. I picked up the latest issue of frankie magazine to find an article written by one Daniel Evans titled "Fill your cake hole". Here Daniel reviews and critiques numerous packet cake mixes that he tested. And from the opening line of his first review - of the Betty Crocker Super Moist Choc Fudge Cake with Vanilla Frosting, I knew we were kindred souls. He writes:

"Let it be known that I take issue with the word "moist". It is a term best reserved for the dissection of adult entertainment, not the description of baked goods made by someone who sounds like your nan's childhood friend." 

The minute I read that line and explanation of why the 'm word' should not be used, particularly in regards to food, my heart was flooded with light and joy. My sister and I no longer have to walk this earth alone, not understanding how or why people persist with using this word so freely, and particularly in relation to food. Somebody else 'gets it'. (I do applaud Daniel for continuing to make this cake because, as a fellow hater of the 'm word', the fact that it was used in the title of the cake alone would have meant that I could not in all good conscience purchase, let alone make and eat it).

So today I give thanks to Daniel Evans for unknowingly expressing to the wider community why people should refrain from using the 'm word' and for the stars aligning so that I could purchase this magazine and find another member for my little word aversion tribe ; ) Oh, and on a serious note, for providing me with some of the best humorous writing I've come across in a long time and hence the laughter and joy that my soul has been craving.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Five + for the Weekend...

                                                            Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Since it's a long weekend here I thought I'd include some extra goodies for you to check out. Enjoy the Easter holiday everyone!

15 Things you should give up to be happy (from the Purpose Fairy).

The food delights and styling over at Griottes makes my mouth water and my creative heart burst with joy (via August Empress, my new blog crush).

Cute list over at Occupy Love.

Bec Winnel's art work is jaw droppingly amazing (via Daydream Lily)

I ask myself this question constantly, and finally someone articulated an answer for me!

The creative talent of 18 year old Wadim Petunin blows my mind. I love his "Ying and Yang" piece.

Alex Franzen is sooooo on the money with this one (as usual!).

Timely words of wisdom (via The Freedom Experiment).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Slowing It Down...

                                                                                Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Yesterday I did something I've never done before at work. I asked for an annual leave day for the following day (ie today). I would not normally do this, as giving short notice is not my style (plus I usually would have talked myself into just 'hanging in there' for another day until the 4 day Easter long weekend was due to start). But I needed it. So I decided to ask for what I needed, which is 5 glorious days away from the craziness of work. I've been trying to push through but all that was happening was I was feeling more and more stressed, I was going around in circles due to being overwhelmed with it all and I was being very unproductive. In the spirit of not doing the same thing and expecting to get a different result, I did the only remaining thing I could think to do, which is step away, re-charge and then, hopefully, come back re-energised and ready to tackle the work next week.

I'm learning a lot right now about my approach and reaction to work and how I let that impact the rest of my life. I've been swept up in the chaos of working in a firm where the client base has tripled in the past 3 months (and hence my workload has at least tripled). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the challenge and responsibility but I've never been that good at maintaining equilibrium and not letting the overwhelm and stress spill over into the rest of my life when things at work get really busy. I have high expectations of myself and hence I just assume that the only response is to keep going and going and going and to somehow keep doing what needs to be done. Until at some put it finally dawns on me that it isn't humanly possible for anyone to do it all and that the limit has been reached (this point sadly comes when I have reached breaking point and also involves tears, extreme fatigue, irritability etc etc). As is the case for most of us, if I were looking in on this scenario as an observer and one of my friends was in this situation, I would have quite easily and firmly told them weeks ago that the situation was untenable and that they had to let something go. That living life in that manner and at that pace cannot be sustained and nothing good would come of it. So simple to offer advice, yet so hard to take your own......

Anyway, the lesson to myself is to implement strategies at work that allow me to focus on a few things each day as opposed to looking at the entire list of things to do and being paralysed with fear. I also need to pay particular attention to doing something when I get home each night that helps me transition from 'work mode' into 'home mode' (ie 20 mins of yoga, a quick run etc). And finally, I need to get back to being in the moment and slowing down. When you spend the majority of your day in a work environment where the pace is frantic because you are trying to fit so much in, it can spill over into your home life with very negative consequences. I have noticed myself rushing through everything I have to do at home like dinner, eating, organising Bailey, reading Bailey stories etc. All those things that up until now I enjoyed and did in a calm manner have become burdens and things to 'get done' rather than enjoy. And it's such a crappy way to exists.

So today I am focusing on getting back on track and in line with how I want to live. In the moment, present and calm. I'm going to really 'be with' my family members as I catch up with them over the holidays and 'be with' myself in this much needed down time. No thoughts of next week or even tomorrow. Just relaxing, connecting and slowing it all down.......

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Begin doing what you want...

                                                                       Source: Uploaded by user via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Raspberry & Meringue Delicacy...

                                                                     Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Musings: A Week of Disconnecting...

                                                                           Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

This week I am committing to disconnecting, BIG TIME. The warning signs that I've reached my physical, mental and emotional limits have come through loud and clear and its time to heed the warning before I experience major burnout or blowout or meltdown (or all 3 at the same time!). Work has been insanely busy and I have been pushing myself at 100 miles per hour for the past month or so. I can only liken it to feeling like diving into a pool each morning when I walk in the door and then not coming up for air until I leave again at 5pm. On top of this, I seem to be going through a massive phase of consolidating life lessons through my dreams at night, which means I don't sleep properly and wake most mornings feeling totally exhausted and depleted before I even begin the day. Put this on repeat for 4 weeks and you pretty much have a recipe for disaster.

So this week, I'm pulling the pin on the craziness so that I can refill the tank. Easter weekend is coming up which means 4 days off, and I can hardly wait! Aside from celebrating with my family I am committing to spending some much needed time alone. No going out, phone calls, facebook etc. Just some quiet 'me' time, perhaps with some drawing or painting, reading, cups of tea and naps. And that's it. Time to re-charge and re-boot. Lovely......

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