Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Happily solo...

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Today I am declaring that I am happily solo.

I have felt the need to voice this because it's a thought that has been nagging at me for a while. Right now, I can 100% say that I am in a place where I feel fulfilled and content with my life exactly as it is. I am okay in the world just as I am. I can take care of myself and my son and am an awesome Mumma. I have amazing family and friends. I have created a life that is about me and for me and I am enjoying that immensely. Up until now I have been able to express gratitude for all these wonderful things and aspects of my life but I have been afraid to express gratitude for being single. I felt like doing so would mean I was sending vibes out into the Universe that I'm not interested in meeting someone special or having a relationship. Or that it meant I wanted to be on my own or single forever. I've been conflicted by my interpretation of this being an 'either, or' situation. I had decided that I couldn't say I was grateful for being on my own and say I would like a romantic partner to enter my life equation.

I also have to admit that I had fallen into that trap of feeling that unless you are in a romantic relationship something is 'missing' from your life. Like it's the 'be all and end all' and if you don't have it your life can never totally be fulfilled or complete, no matter how awesome everything else in it is. (As someone who has been in a marriage that ended, I am the first person to espouse that being in a relationship does not guarantee a complete life, nor can another person fulfill you. It's a hard view to maintain, however, when society is still primarily built around the notion that we are all looking for that someone to spend our lives with. Plus, let's face it, in your 30's most of your friends and family members are attached. So its hard not to succumb to the pressure of taking on the view that your life is incomplete if you are single).

But this week the flick switched in my brain and I gave myself permission to celebrate being exactly where and who I am, right now. This includes celebrating being single without it meaning that I can't manifest a romantic relationship. I have too many things to be grateful for and life is too short to be caught up in the 'something is missing' game. As they say, "Your journey is unfolding exactly as it should be." For now that part of my journey involves being complete with myself - learning and practicing being 'Bel' in this world, as it is now. This will evolve and change into something else when it is supposed to, as all things do. But for now I am being present and embracing and celebrating exactly where I am on this journey right now. Happily solo.....

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