Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Musings: A Week of Disconnecting...

                                                                           Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

This week I am committing to disconnecting, BIG TIME. The warning signs that I've reached my physical, mental and emotional limits have come through loud and clear and its time to heed the warning before I experience major burnout or blowout or meltdown (or all 3 at the same time!). Work has been insanely busy and I have been pushing myself at 100 miles per hour for the past month or so. I can only liken it to feeling like diving into a pool each morning when I walk in the door and then not coming up for air until I leave again at 5pm. On top of this, I seem to be going through a massive phase of consolidating life lessons through my dreams at night, which means I don't sleep properly and wake most mornings feeling totally exhausted and depleted before I even begin the day. Put this on repeat for 4 weeks and you pretty much have a recipe for disaster.

So this week, I'm pulling the pin on the craziness so that I can refill the tank. Easter weekend is coming up which means 4 days off, and I can hardly wait! Aside from celebrating with my family I am committing to spending some much needed time alone. No going out, phone calls, facebook etc. Just some quiet 'me' time, perhaps with some drawing or painting, reading, cups of tea and naps. And that's it. Time to re-charge and re-boot. Lovely......

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