Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Hafiz...

                                                                     Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

One regret, dear world,
That I am determined not to have
When I am lying on my deathbed
Is that
I did not kiss you enough.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: Life...

                                                                                   Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Mini Butterfinger Cheescakes...

                                                                            Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday Musings: Divine Timing (Part 2)...

                                                                          Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

This post is going to follow on from my Divine Timing post from last week. After reading that post, my best buddy sent me one of the most beautiful message anyone has ever sent me (I was bawling by the end of it because it captured the journey of our friendship so beautifully. It was also so unexpected and so what I needed right then to have faith that The Universe is and has worked in my favour, and will surely continue to do so).

Our meeting was absolutely Divine in timing. We came together through lululemon, with Ange working at the store I started in. We only crossed paths and worked one shift together and then her life path directed her towards a different store and away from me before we'd even really met. At that time, I would never in a million years have predicted that in just under a year from then I would move to the store that she had gone to and that she would become my best friend. I would have suggested way back then that the circumstances that would need to arise to facilitate this happening were impossible and would never happen. But low and behold, my life circumstances changed dramatically over the next year and the 'impossible' occurred. From that moment on we have been instrumental in each others lives and journey's to the extent that I could not imagine how I would have gotten through the past 2 years without her (and am so much stronger moving forward with her in my corner).

And since Ange's beautiful message, at least 3 other instances of Divine Timing have sprung to mind that have helped lift my spirits and renew my faith and belief in the fact that everything is happening for a reason; that just because I can't see anything happening physically in front of me right now that events can still be unfolding behind the scenes and with other people; and that one day it will all become clear if I just keep believing.

Thank you Ange - I love you!

Thank you Universe for the Divine timing of me meeting my best friend.....

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Sounds: John Mayer....

He's back!!!!!! Loving the new tunes (but not loving the new look unfortunately). Still, it's all good if you close your eyes and picture the old, sexy John.....

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Soul: The Sucker Punch...

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

The other night I was asked by a friend of mine to write something about grief. This friend, who I consider to be one of my Earth Angels since she has helped me through some very, very tough and dark times, is going through her own very tough time right now. She has been dealt one of those sucker punches that life throws at us, if we're lucky, only a few times in our lives. One of those mother f***er ones that brings you to your knees and has you questioning everything you ever thought you knew or believed about life and your ability to function in it.

When I first sat down to write this post, I'll admit my head went to 'what do I know about grief or what do I have to share that can help?'I do know that grief is that thing that turns up on your doorstep when you least expect it and can crush your soul and mind and body in a way that you never thought possible. At the time you think to yourself how will I ever move beyond this? How does anyone get through feeling this way? You can't figure it out but you know that they must, because the reality is that millions of people have really atrocious, soul destroying things happen to them every day - and yet they continue. So what do they do?

My belief is that many, many people bury it. They bury it because that is what we are conditioned to do. By and large most people do not talk about the 'bad' things that happen to them. They cover it up and go about their business trying to give off the appearance that everything is fine. And even if they can't pass off the idea that everything is fine, they still don't talk about their feelings. They bottle them up. Everyone tries their best to give off the impression that there is no sadness or pain. But this is an act - a facade. And a dangerous one. I completely understand that we all have differing abilities to process, understand, convey or express our emotions. And I am not advocating that we all should just be able to blurt them out and react in a stock standard way to events in our lives. What I am saying though, is that people should not hide their feelings or not express what is going on for them for fear of being judged or for fear that society will think less of them because their world is not 'fine'.

There is sadness and pain behind every face and in every life. That is life. Just as there is happiness and joy somewhere in every life (whether we are capable of seeing it or not). What I believe is that we should all be encouraged and supported to express our experiences at both ends of the spectrum more openly. For ourselves and for each other. At the end of the day, we are all the same. We all have our hearts broken, lose jobs, get sick, suffer breakdowns and experience other, sometimes tremendous acts of loss and pain. So why do we pretend (or think we have to pretend) that we don't? What I know to be true is that when we acknowledge and share our experiences, we help each other. Expressing your fear, sadness, pain and reality allows other people to do the same, which is usually how we move through things (grief included). It also allows us to offer assistance and advice to help someone when they go through a similar thing.

Most often all it takes for one person to begin to shift their pain or to discover an ounce of comfort or hope, is the knowledge that someone else has experienced what they are going through. To hear another voice say "I went through that. I understand and acknowledge how you feel and here is one thing I did to get me through." In my personal experience it has often been just the voice or story of one person that I have clung to and that has gotten me through particular experiences of grief. Just one voice in the whole world. So if you are reading this, make the decision to commit to being 'real'. If you can do this and help even one person in your circle of friends or family or the wider world, it is truly, truly worth it. For those of you who are willing and able, have a conversation, write a blog, write a book, whatever you can. Your advice and words, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, might be the thing that saves or helps someone else - and that is such a tremendous gift to give someone.

I may not be able to write a thesis on grief but what I can offer is authenticity, reality and understanding (which has been the purpose of writing my blogs from the start). So to my Earth Angel I say, "It is 100% okay to feel everything that you are feeling right now. It's okay to hate the world and to be angry and to cry and to have no idea how you're going to move through this. I may not have dealt with the exact same sucker punch but I still know what being dealt a sucker punch feels like. And more importantly, I know how to speak openly about digging myself out of those wretched black holes.

I know what it feels like to have to drop off the earth and crawl into your own cave without knowing how or when you will come out. I know what it's like to walk through each day feeling like you checked out of your 'real life' and that you'll never get back into it again. I know what it's like to feel so frustrated and angry that you feel your head might blow off. I know what's it's like to walk down the street feeling completely disconnected to everyone and everything around you. 

While I can't tell you the exact steps for you to take to move through this (even though I wish I could), I can be here for you to talk to, to send you love and to remind you, 1 million times if necessary, that you will get through this and you will see the light again. And if there is anything else I can do for you that I haven't thought of or am not doing, you just say the word and it's done.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' for The Weekend...

                                                                Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

25 Things I Want My Son To Know (via Mommy Om).

ManiaMania ring love.

Have just been introduced to the photographic genius of Andrew Quilty (He was one of the featured photographers at an event that I went to on Thursday night, which showcased some great creative peeps).

27 ways to be an (even) better person and practically levitate with awesomery.

Some big, big inspiration from Christina Rasmussen.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Divine Timing...

                                                                     Source: Uploaded by user via Victoria on Pinterest

I've been struggling lately with the sense of impatience I seem to have. There is nothing wrong with my life at all - I have a roof over my head, a job, my health, my little man, & family and friends who love me. Yet there are still things in life that I find myself wishing I had or am at least trying to bring into my life. I'm focusing on being positive about life in general and putting out good vibes to the universe re what I want for my life, but boy oh boy can it be hard to keep doing when you can't necessarily see any results. I've spent the past 2 years or so re-establishing myself in life and working through issues but now I feel really ready for what's next, which is hopefully meeting new people or a person to share my life with (or at least enjoy life with for a time!). As I'm sure many single people out there can attest, meeting people is hard work. As a single parent trying to meet people, it can feel impossible. But I'm not here to focus on the difficulties or whine about life circumstances because that's not my point.

My point is, that manifesting and maintaining a positive attitude while we are waiting for things or something to happen is difficult. Sure there are active steps that you can take personally to help you move towards any goal. But to a large extent, you also have to just keep having blind faith, despite often feeling like nothing is happening and experiencing the creeping thoughts that what you desire is never going to happen. I'm struggling with the blind faith thing but when I read the following about Divine Timing, I realised I have to be more accepting of this, even though it can frustrate the bejeezus out of me.....

Divine Timing; something we may not want to acknowledge, but that does come into play.  For instance, we may need to meet a certain person and they are busy, as we are, getting themselves in alignment for our eventual meeting and the work we’ll do together, OR, there are things we have to work on (in our character, or putting certain things in place that are “prerequisites” for something that will come later) first before we are meant to get to the thing we are most wanting, kind of like the domino effect.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Spark...

                                                                          Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Coca-Cola Cupcakes...

                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Musings: "Ughhh" Be Gone...

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest


Yep, that's the best word to sum up how I'm feeling right now. Just ughhh. Nothing feels right and I can't shift the anxiousness and frustration. I've lost my patience and perspective and I'm tired of it.

So..... it's time to employ some strategies to get my world back into balance.

Be Present:
At work and especially at home I'm committing to being present (Bailey is currently going through a swearing and rudeness phase that is driving me insane). When I'm at home I'm often trying to do 5 things at once which is stressing me out and making it harder to deal with everything. My intuition is telling me to just let everything else drop for the moment and to just focus on Bailey when I'm at home. It's hard to do this because I feel guilty if that means I can't be there for other people in my life, or can't do things that I feel I need to be doing for me. I think this week, however, I just need to accept that this is what's going on right now and my energy needs to be directed and focused on just being with him. I'm also going to keep reminding myself that this 'phase' will pass.

Do Yoga:
For 20 minutes when I first get home to help me transition from the workday and be grounded for the evening at home. If I ground myself I have more chance of remaining calm in the face of any 'trying' 4 year behaviours!

The power of endorphins and fresh air cannot be underestimated and I know it always has a positive effect on me. Last week I trained a little too hard so this week it will be some leisurely lunchtime runs to clear my head, plus my hockey training and weekly game for the endorphin hits.

Do Things That Make My Heart Sing: 
Listen to music at work and home, watch The Voice or a few shows that I enjoy, read, write, spend quality time with Bailey, see my extended family members on the weekend and anything else that my heart is drawn to in the week.

Energy Healing:
Last week I said I would meditate but I struggled big time. I ran from the discomfort and let my 'busy mind' distract me. This week I'm going to use some guided meditations to assist me and help me focus. I bought a really cute little rose quartz ball to hold while I meditate so I'm looking forward to using that. I'm also thinking about checking in with my healing angel KJ. I haven't seen her for a while but every now and then  it's so helpful to receive some guidance and outside perspective.

My heart and soul know that I'm being tested right now in regards to my manifesting abilities. I started really focusing on manifesting what I want to come next in my life a few weeks ago, but I sense I've been de-railed by my fear. The old chestnut of letting fear sneak in and my ego questioning whether I'm ever going to see the fruits of my desires and manifesting. My self-esteem and faith have been battered a little but I know the only answer is to be persistent and believe, believe, believe.....

Ughhhh be gone!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Soul: Palm Beach...

The weather has been nothing short of phenomenal this May, with blue skies and sunshine pretty much every day. For a few weeks now my soul has been whispering to me that it needs nature, space and fresh air, so I made a point of booking an outdoor activity into my schedule a couple of weeks ago. So today was the day, and what a ripper it was - could not have asked for a more glorious day for an early morning walk up to the Palm Beach lighthouse, followed by a walk along the beach. With the sun beaming down and such picturesque scenery everywhere, it was impossible not to feel good. Thanks to my sis for sharing the day with me!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' for The Weekend...

                                                                       Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Who says yoga can't transform your body?

Start The Climb and Take One Purposeful Step.

Captivated by this gorgeous feather dress by Manning Cartel.

Knowing it's the last Mothers Day (a heartbreaking essay via A Cup Of Jo).

Awesome New Yorker cover (We've got a long way to go re Gay Rights in this world but this is a reminder of how far we have come).

Some Manny love and laughs for Friday.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: The World We See...

                                                                    Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

"The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference - the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. We make it true by our interpretations of what it is we are seeing."

A Course In Miracles

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: Damn Straight...

                                                                             Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Pudding...

                                                                             Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Musings: Eternally Evolving...

                                                                       Source: Uploaded by user via Belinda on Pinterest

Abraham Hicks

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Soul: What I Love About Being Your Mumma...

Seeing your beaming face running towards me when I arrive at Kindy each afternoon.

Playing soccer and football with you in the park.

Reading stories to you every night before bed.

Tucking your covers in, in the middle of the night and hearing your little voice, still half asleep, saying "Thank you for that Mummy."

Visiting the horsies every Wednesday morning before daycare and we say "Good morning honey" to all of our favourites.

Holding you over the bathroom sink so you you can spit out the toothpaste.

Listening to John Mayer and sing along together in the car (and you tell me John Mayer is the Karate Kids dad - I've given up trying to explain that just because a John Mayer song is played in the latest Karate Kid movie doesn't automatically equate to a father son relationship or that it is a biological impossibility).

Giving each other butterfly kisses.

Having to do a run up before you enter or exit the lift every time we use it.

Watching you give the money to the man in the petrol station and say 'thank you' - which always results in you being given a treat of some kind because the man thinks you are adorable.

Hearing your little voice yelling "Go Mummy" when you watch me play hockey.

You bringing me home sticks from Kindy and give them to me as presents.

You sneaking into my room in the wee hours of the morning and ask if you can get into my bed.

You hiding behind my seat in the car and 'scaring' me each time we get in (I tell you I am now the master of faking being scared).

Looking at you and marveling at how I could have had a hand in creating someone so amazing.

Thank you little man for choosing me to be your Mumma. As we always say, "I love you more than the whole wide world."

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' For The Weekend...

                                                                    Source: via HonestlyWTF on Pinterest

This sweater is so cute!

10 Good Reminders For Stressful Times.

I'm in love with Naoko Stoop's artwork.

How to be an Intuitive Warrior.

This moon bed is adorable - I wish they made them for big people!

Check out the amazing work of photographer extraordinaire (and friend of mine!), David Smith. (P.S. For anyone who lives in Sydney, Dave's work will be shown at the ORIGINS exhibition at the Global Gallery opening on Wednesday 16th May in Paddington).  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: So There!

Warning: Please be advised that the following sermon may contain some 'colourful' turns of phrase and a swear word or two....   

I had one of those days yesterday that left me wondering whether I should just give up. Or maybe it was more a feeling of defeat. Either way, it stunk.

As you can probably tell from my blog, I choose to live my life in a way that reflects my values and where I am true to myself. I no longer apologise for who I am, which is a passionate, empathetic, confident, strong , intelligent woman who believes that we can all exist in a world together by behaving decently and kindly towards each other. I believe that how we interact with each other matters, and that at the end of the day, this wreaps huge rewards for all of us personally and professionally. Double standards and inconsistencies in behaviour don't sit well with me . In fact, they downright frustrate me.....

Anyway, I had a few interactions and conversations yesterday that left me feeling like an absolute square peg trying to fit in a round hole and feeling like it was as likely for me to exist in this world in the ways I have outlined above, as it would be for me to fly to the moon and paint it red. I felt defeated, deflated and pissed off.

But then an angel of the best friend variety appeared to me, direct from the Apple Isle ; ) and gave me the back up, psyche up and love that only the bestest of buddies can give. And then she directed me to my Note from The Universe that I hadn't yet read for the day. It said:

"Some of the coolest dreams that ever came true, Bel, weren't dreams at all, but standards that simply weren't compromised. ...... Bel, always being your best, shining your brightest and standing as tall as you can, pays far more dividends than one might ever imagine".

WOAH.... right on Universe! That shit hot note of wisdom was just the trick to turn my thoughts of giving up or giving in on their heads. It may be a struggle to swim against the tide of what people around you are doing and how they are being. But I need to remember that even when it feels deathly hard to deal with that and keep being who I am, I can do it. To not deal with it and to change who I am is never going to work. I was not put on this earth to blend in, or compromise myself or act in a way that doesn't serve myself or the world I live in. So whether people out there understand me or patronise me, or think I'm 'soft' or that I'm too passionate, whatever. I won't compromise my standards and I'll go on being my best, shining my brightest and standing as tall as I can be because I came here to rock this world, not to live a half-arsed mediocre life. 

So there! 
                                                              Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: Paulo Coelho...

                                                                            Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Rhubarb & Red Berry Crumble...

                                                                            Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Musings: Restored...

                                                                         Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Well, the break I gave myself last week was just what the Doctor ordered. I managed to stem the tide of being dragged into an abyss of exhaustion and overwhelm, which means that this week I am motivated, energised and feeling happy. I have gone for years of my life operating from a place where all decisions were influenced by feelings of guilt, or obligation. Very rarely did I make decisions or choices based on what I really wanted or what was best for me. I don't think I truly believed or understood that that was an option or that you could exist like that. I'm also sure I didn't have a firm grasp on exactly what I did want in my life, which also makes it quite difficult to make empowering choices!

But now, at the ripe old age of 34, I have finally accepted that it is, in fact, the only way to live a life where I am being true to myself, and I am so much better for it. Previously I felt a great deal of anxiety around what people would think of me if I didn't do what I thought they wanted me to (note the use of the phrase 'what I thought they wanted me to'. Half the time I'm sure I was projecting ideas onto people that were not what they were really thinking, and I could have saved myself a lot of time and emotional angst had I simply communicated with them openly). I made it mean the end of the world to say I couldn't attend something I had committed to because I had such a hang up around not wanting to let anyone else, or myself, down.

Even giving myself permission to wipe my slate clear of obligations last week and only do the bare minimum that I needed to, shifted my energy. I had thought that I wouldn't do any cleaning or tidying (and I had given myself permission to not do it), but before Thursday my home had been cleaned and I'd done it happily because I'd shifted my thinking and it wasn't a 'have to do'.  I was able to rest and devote a little more time to work, which also made me feel so much better because I got on top of things.

Life is a constant juggling act. One week we need to devote more time to family, the next to work or to yourself. Some weeks you can pull off everything effortlessly, without giving it a second thought  and other weeks require a far more concerted effort to get it all happening. The key is to be in tune with what you need. Listen to what your mind and body is telling you it needs and respond accordingly. Give yourself permission!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Soul: Mr Bel...

Dear Mr Bel,

Ok, I'm not calling you that because I have some radical feminist thing going on. Its just because I need to refer to you as something and 'Mr X' feels creepy. 'Mr Big' might work, except it may set up some Chris Noth comparisons that aren't really fair on anyone. But I digress.....

Anyway, my point in writing this is to let you know how much I am looking forward to meeting you. Even though I don't know exactly who you are or when you're coming, I feel that you are already occupying a place in my heart. That's a big deal you know because there hasn't been a legitimate place in my heart for anyone for quite some time. I've said the words 'I want to be in a relationship' before now but deep down I knew it wasn't coming for me - it wasn't the right time. I had unfinished business to take care of re getting myself back together. It was a hard slog, let me tell you, but one that was absolutely necessary. It was also one that has brought me to the point where I feel ready to share me because I'm happy and comfortable with me. All the lessons I've learned and things I've worked through have helped me establish the kind of person I would like to welcome into my life.

You already know these things about yourself, but for the benefit of my readers I will tell them that you are mature, thoughtful, creative, compassionate, confident, intelligent, down to earth, grounded, emotionally expressive, self-aware, fun, you love music, love reading and you think I'm the ants pants (and you happily tell me so). I also obviously happen to think you are the ants pants, so its a match made in heaven.

I am seriously looking forward to enjoying your company. Going to nice restaurants, seeing movies at The Dendy, live music at The Basement and other clubs, reading next to each other at a cafe on a Saturday morning and talking, talking, talking. Our coming together will be easy and effortless because the timing is right and we have both been waiting for each other to come along.

Looking forward to that day.....

x Bel

P.S No, I am not going loopy writing to imaginary boyfriends. I've just decided that its time to put out to The Universe what I'm looking for. Unless you are really clear in your heart what you want and until you're willing to ask for it out loud, you're never going to get it. I'm clear and I'm asking and now I will sit back and continue to emanate my good Bel vibes until Divine timing occurs. Thank you in advance Universe!

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fabulous Friday: Somethin' for The Weekend...

                                                                                     Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

The art of 'I Just Know It' (A guide to living intuitively in the modern world).

Need some inspiration to start working out? Check out the Nike 'Make Yourself' campaign and you'll be lacing up your trainers in no time. An added bouns is the photography of Annie Leibovitz - the pics of Aussie pro surfer Laura Enerver are my faves!

OMG, does someone want to make these for me?

Danielle LaPorte rocks my world, as usual, with this post.

Currently lusting after many a thing from Watson x Watson.

Some light entertainment with Sam de Brito's take on how he was ripped off being a teenager in the 80's.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: The Sadhu...

                                                                          Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Last week I mentioned that I am doing a creative writing course. So I thought that this week I would share a piece of writing from my homework. We are given a cue and then need to write for 10 mins or 3 pages and we post roughly 250 words on the writers board for everyone to give feedback on. Here was one of my efforts from the week: 

As Lyndsay surveyed the thriving mass of humanity in front of her, her gaze was drawn to the Sadhu sitting on the ground next to the entrance to the Laxman Jhula suspension bridge. He was perched on top of a small bundle of what appeared to be his only worldly possessions. She had heard a little about these Holy men but it was the first time she had seen one up close herself. He had glasses that resembled the bottom of glass coca-cola bottles. Inches thick and caked in so much dirt and grime that she couldn’t believe they were actually helping him see. His face was a mass of wrinkles that seemed to have every second of his lifetime etched on his face. He looked like he had not bathed in weeks, maybe even months and his long, thick, grey hair was matted and dreaded to such an extent that Lyndsay could imagine snapping one of them off if she tried to touch them.

Despite all the chaos and craziness around him, the Sadhu appeared to be in his own world. Scooter tyres skimmed his feet, pilgrims brushed past dropping offerings of food in his rusty bowl, and monkeys jostled for prime position on the ropes of the suspension bridge. Yet he remained calm and still as if in a trance. In the exact same instant that Lyndsay raised her SLR to her eye and began to zoom the lens towards him, he raised his head and locked his eyes right on hers. Her breath left her body, sucked out of her like air from a popped balloon. His gaze was so intense that it was burning right through her. She couldn’t figure out what was going on. She knew she was in Rishikesh and moments ago she had been about to take a photo but at the same time she felt that she had just left this world. Departed through a rabbit hole, just like Alice, only through the eyes of a Holy Man. It was as if he was unlocking everything that was inside her. Every secret and doubt and thought stripped bare. Pulled inside out and then slipped back in again before she even knew what was happening.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: It Is Not What You Do...

                                                                         Source: Uploaded by user via Belinda on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Treats: Gooey Goodness...

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest
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