Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: So There!

Warning: Please be advised that the following sermon may contain some 'colourful' turns of phrase and a swear word or two....   

I had one of those days yesterday that left me wondering whether I should just give up. Or maybe it was more a feeling of defeat. Either way, it stunk.

As you can probably tell from my blog, I choose to live my life in a way that reflects my values and where I am true to myself. I no longer apologise for who I am, which is a passionate, empathetic, confident, strong , intelligent woman who believes that we can all exist in a world together by behaving decently and kindly towards each other. I believe that how we interact with each other matters, and that at the end of the day, this wreaps huge rewards for all of us personally and professionally. Double standards and inconsistencies in behaviour don't sit well with me . In fact, they downright frustrate me.....

Anyway, I had a few interactions and conversations yesterday that left me feeling like an absolute square peg trying to fit in a round hole and feeling like it was as likely for me to exist in this world in the ways I have outlined above, as it would be for me to fly to the moon and paint it red. I felt defeated, deflated and pissed off.

But then an angel of the best friend variety appeared to me, direct from the Apple Isle ; ) and gave me the back up, psyche up and love that only the bestest of buddies can give. And then she directed me to my Note from The Universe that I hadn't yet read for the day. It said:

"Some of the coolest dreams that ever came true, Bel, weren't dreams at all, but standards that simply weren't compromised. ...... Bel, always being your best, shining your brightest and standing as tall as you can, pays far more dividends than one might ever imagine".

WOAH.... right on Universe! That shit hot note of wisdom was just the trick to turn my thoughts of giving up or giving in on their heads. It may be a struggle to swim against the tide of what people around you are doing and how they are being. But I need to remember that even when it feels deathly hard to deal with that and keep being who I am, I can do it. To not deal with it and to change who I am is never going to work. I was not put on this earth to blend in, or compromise myself or act in a way that doesn't serve myself or the world I live in. So whether people out there understand me or patronise me, or think I'm 'soft' or that I'm too passionate, whatever. I won't compromise my standards and I'll go on being my best, shining my brightest and standing as tall as I can be because I came here to rock this world, not to live a half-arsed mediocre life. 

So there! 
                                                              Source: via Brooke on Pinterest

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