Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Soul: Mr Bel...

Dear Mr Bel,

Ok, I'm not calling you that because I have some radical feminist thing going on. Its just because I need to refer to you as something and 'Mr X' feels creepy. 'Mr Big' might work, except it may set up some Chris Noth comparisons that aren't really fair on anyone. But I digress.....

Anyway, my point in writing this is to let you know how much I am looking forward to meeting you. Even though I don't know exactly who you are or when you're coming, I feel that you are already occupying a place in my heart. That's a big deal you know because there hasn't been a legitimate place in my heart for anyone for quite some time. I've said the words 'I want to be in a relationship' before now but deep down I knew it wasn't coming for me - it wasn't the right time. I had unfinished business to take care of re getting myself back together. It was a hard slog, let me tell you, but one that was absolutely necessary. It was also one that has brought me to the point where I feel ready to share me because I'm happy and comfortable with me. All the lessons I've learned and things I've worked through have helped me establish the kind of person I would like to welcome into my life.

You already know these things about yourself, but for the benefit of my readers I will tell them that you are mature, thoughtful, creative, compassionate, confident, intelligent, down to earth, grounded, emotionally expressive, self-aware, fun, you love music, love reading and you think I'm the ants pants (and you happily tell me so). I also obviously happen to think you are the ants pants, so its a match made in heaven.

I am seriously looking forward to enjoying your company. Going to nice restaurants, seeing movies at The Dendy, live music at The Basement and other clubs, reading next to each other at a cafe on a Saturday morning and talking, talking, talking. Our coming together will be easy and effortless because the timing is right and we have both been waiting for each other to come along.

Looking forward to that day.....

x Bel

P.S No, I am not going loopy writing to imaginary boyfriends. I've just decided that its time to put out to The Universe what I'm looking for. Unless you are really clear in your heart what you want and until you're willing to ask for it out loud, you're never going to get it. I'm clear and I'm asking and now I will sit back and continue to emanate my good Bel vibes until Divine timing occurs. Thank you in advance Universe!

                                                              Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

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