Things I learned today from going to the Tarot reader:
I'm a dream worker which means I processes a lot of my learning through my dreams, which affects my sleep.
I'm a magnifier. I'm very good at seeing to the heart and truth of what is going on with people and shining a light on this for them to see. If I'm with people who want to see the truth it's great because I can light it all up and help them work their magic. But for those who don't want to see, it creates a conflict. I need to make sure that I surround myself with people who want to see, who are filled with joy.
Where I am right now in terms of my job is exactly where I'm meant to be.
I see the validity of all human beings and accept that all people are on different paths.
When I completely tap into being who I am I will change the world and those around me just by me being in someone's presence. I will be able to move through the world, in any circumstances and not be negatively affected because I will know that all I have to do is 'be me' in that place and everything will sort itself out.
I understand that the dark and light are needed. That you can't and shouldn't avoid all aspects of life, ups and downs. All of it together is what makes life and helps you go where you need to.
I need to play and have fun and be child-like and live joyously.
I'm not going to find my twin flame or true love until I learn what it means to be truly me and live that each and every day. I've been given the love in past lives but each time, it has prevented me from learning the lesson of knowing my true self and bringing those gifts to the world. The frustration of going through another life without learning this outweighs the desire to just find my soul mate right now.
A challenge is coming, a fire, where it is crucial that I use everything I have learned up until now to bring me through. If I don't, I will be burned and really feel the affects of it. At this time it will be crucial for me to speak the truth, to myself and others. No matter what. If I can get through that in the right way, something really delicious is waiting on the other side. In the form of me being able to experience being in the world exactly how I am meant to be, sharing my gifts and then finding my twin flame or person I'm really connected to.
Lots of things to process. And lots of things that do make sense to me. All of this, I get. I can understand it, accept it, feel as though I can work with it (even though I felt my stomach drop when she said a challenge is coming - haven't I had enough of these already?). I have been sleeping terribly lately. Having very intense and strange dreams that seem to in some way be linked to the past but that I can't really understand (so it must be that my subconscious is processing my learnings). I've also been feeling like I'm in a grounded place, where I am being myself and I'm happy with that. With that has come a more intense feeling that my purpose to being here is to focus on finding out about me and enjoying who I am as much as I can.
But, there is a very big clincher to all of this. And that is....
I'm supposed to be a vegan. Me, the eater and enjoyer of all things cheeseburger and processed. It will be the biggest challenge of my life, not something I should attempt all at once but over a two year period, step by step, small adjustments at a time. Get a blender and start adding green stuff to smoothies. A complete paradigm shift in my food world. I will say that this one has stopped me in my tracks. It has never, ever entered my mind to eat raw foods or have a vegan diet. I'm the one who sees other people doing it and think I could never do that. But apparently in my physical realm I'm an elephant and I'm trying to be a cheetah. So it's never going to work. And do you want to hear the real kicker? Unless I eat green, I'll never meet the love of my life (okay, she didn't say this specifically but this is pretty much what she alluded to and is how my mind has processed the whole thing).
My initial instinct was to ask if this was a cruel joke? And I'm still not entirely sure what to make of the whole thing. But according to this tarot reader the food aspect is hugely tied in to my ability to be completely and totally connected and aligned with who I truly am. Talk about challenge. She didn't even tell me I needed to do this from a point of view of her saying it's the way you need to live life or because she eats this way. She actually had a look of pity on her face, like poor you, you have THAT card. In fact I think her parting words were 'Good luck with the greens'.
So where does this leave me? Well I could blow the whole thing off and continue to eat the way I do, which isn't as bad as I make out. I might enjoy some processed food every now and then but I don't eat it all the time. I just really enjoy eating all types of food and don't really eat a lot of fresh, green foods. And I just don't enjoy being strict about what I eat. On the flip side, however, I have been feeling really stuck regarding what to eat each week and have not been feeling good physically. So in light of that, maybe it is time for me to try something completely new.
Nothing to lose right? And hey, I might even feel better physically and find a man from eating kale ; )