Today I've been very aware of a softening within myself. Its subtle but its there. I am noticing my reactions to people, things and events are not as intense and I am aware of myself stopping and waiting before reacting. When emotions come up I'm working at not letting them overwhelm me. Instead I'm looking at them objectively and asking myself whether they are in proportion to the actual issue. More often than not the emotions subside within a few minutes and pass, and what initially felt like a large deal, really isn't one.
And the key to this new found softening? I believe its the time and attention I've been devoting to my soul. The exercise, meditation, yoga and gratitude. The creation of space in my physical world and, more importantly, in my mind. It is slowly but surely allowing me to operate from a different place. To see my world in a different way and to live in it in a way that is more in line with my values and a truer reflection of who I really am. And it feels really lovely......
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