Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: I Am Enough...

                                                                    Source: Uploaded by user via Belinda on Pinterest

The thoughts I'm about to share are actually ones that I wrote in my journal a few weeks ago. I have decided to share them now because my sister and I were having a conversation a few days ago where she was expressing very similar thoughts - so I thought it might help her to hear that she's not the only one to feel or think this way and that she is not alone when she does.....

Last night as I was lying in bed I had the thought descend on me that I am so hard on myself. Not in the way that I necessarily berate myself constantly or put myself down, but more in the way that I place enormous expectations on myself. I've been told this time and time again by other people, and I can recognise it.  When others point it out, I'll say "I know, I really need to give myself a break." But then I will continue on my merry way, telling myself that I'll go easy on me, but in fact never doing that. 

But last night I really, really got it. Its as if I walk around all day weighed down by these thoughts that where I am in life isn't good enough, that I should be doing something more at work, at home, in society. Even when I consciously stop and say "No more, give yourself a break," the thoughts creep back in and before I know it I'm being weighed down by the expectations I place on myself. And it is exhausting.

So today I want to tell myself "Bel, who you are, right now, is enough. You are absolutely doing the best that you can do. You are an awesome Mum. That little boy of yours couldn't possibly feel anything else but completely and utterly loved by you from every inch of your being. You are doing so well at re-establishing your life and identity as a single woman and mother and transitioning the best you know how in regards to setting up a career/work and life that will work for you. If it all doesn't feel hunky dory right now, don't take that as meaning you are inadequate or lacking anything. Transition is uncomfortable and messy and can take time. And you are navigating one of the biggest transitions a person can go through. Combined with the ever-changing and challenging role of motherhood and a career change, what do you expect for yourself? Seriously, give yourself a break and truly, truly know that you are enough just as you are."

Stace, I think there's something in that for you x

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