Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Musings: Full Moon...

                                                           Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

I woke up this morning to go to work and my body went, "No you don't". I am physically smashed - no energy whatsoever. The kind of no energy where it takes you an hour to contemplate getting out of bed and putting on clothes and the thought of getting your son ready, in the car and to daycare, then spending the day being switched on at work is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. As it was, the daycare and son element on its own was all I could manage before crawling back into bed to lie there feeling like I had been hit by a bus. 

In hindsight, its no real surprise. The whole weekend I had an overwhelming feeling of 'blech'. I also spent most of Saturday in bed and would have done the same yesterday except that it is not an option when you have a 3 year old. To be objective about it, it was a huge week emotionally and physically. Lots of personal challenges and shifts, which stirred up a lot of energy and emotion. Combine that with a week of poor sleep at night and some hard core running at the end of the week and you get a thoroughly depleted and drained me. I tried to get through the 'low' weekend as best I could, reminding myself over and over again that it will pass, talking things through with my besties and generally trying not to sink into the feeling and let it run away with me. I went to sleep last night hoping that things would have shifted by the morning and I'd be back to my normal self. I was pretty frustrated by the fact that I couldn't figure out why I felt so terrible, but now I can see that perhaps the low immune system had something to do with it.

Then I read my star signs this morning (even on my death bed its a force of habit) and things made even more sense. I've been known at times to give it to the two astrologers that I follow when they post lofty, non- specific or wordy yet meaningless 'guidance'. But every now and then I read one that is bang on perfect and appears to be speaking directly about and to me. Like today......

As we approach a Full Moon in your sign, we find you trying to keep your strength up. It is as if you are being besieged. People are asking you to supply far more than you can spare. Situations too are taking it out of you. You are putting on a brave face. You always do that. But, actually, you need some help, some support and some understanding. Be patient. Help is on its way, but it is coming to you slowly. Try to trust that this is happening and, meanwhile, don't give in to pressure. Your load will lighten over the next few days. 

We're getting closer and closer to the Full Moon this week which is going to take place in your sign. So if you are feeling all wound up and emotional, now you know why. The Full Moon is the ideal time to allow your feelings to float up to the surface to be processed and released.

Ah ha.... the good old Full Moon. Gets me every time. Seriously. I'd been thinking all weekend about how it felt like all these things were coming at me that I had to deal with and process, which I am committed to doing, but it felt like so many were coming at me at once and that it was never ending.  Even though I still feel like crap and am not totally sure when it will end or how it will come to pass, I will hang on to these words and fully look forward to whatever help and understanding is set to come my way and to my load lightening over the next few days.....

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