Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Soul: Real Love...

                                                            Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

Osho wrote that "Real love comes not from trying to solve our neediness by depending on another, but by developing our own inner richness and maturity. Then we have so much love to give that we naturally draw lovers towards us." And that "We come alone into this world, we go alone. The very idea of togetherness arises because we are alone, and the aloneness hurts. We want to drown our aloneness in relationship."

Right on Osho, couldn't have said it better myself. At certain times in the past 3 years I have experienced that feeling of self love and the empowerment that comes along with it. It is the most amazing feeling to be so tapped into your core and inner self that you can fill your own tank of love. It doesn't mean that you don't want or have any people bringing love into your life - but it means you aren't dependent upon another person or anything outside you in order to feel complete. Their love is a bonus, but not the necessary component. And its the law of the universe that once you are in that state, all the events or people you could ever have wished to draw into your life magically come in.

Having said this, I also need to make a disclaimer right about now, that it is A BLOODY HARD STATE OF MIND TO MAINTAIN!!!!! I am currently trying to ride out a state in which, even though I know I am the only person who can truly make myself feel loved and not alone, I just don't seem to be able to do it. Or rather my self just doesn't seem to be able to fill the tank. And it is in times such as these that my head reverts back to the 'I need a person ie man in my life so I won't feel like this'. Totally not the case, but once frustration and impatience kicks in, its a slippery slope for the old mind off into exactly the places I know I don't want it to go.

I do know that struggling for an answer or solution won't help the cause, so for now I am doing my best to accept that these feelings are there, try as hard as I can to make myself feel loved and know that, as is the case with all feelings, they will come and go.

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