Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Australia Day...

Given that its Australia Day today, its only fitting that Thursday thoughts has an Australian vibe to it. The following came to me courtesy of my lovely friend Ali. Made me laugh so much (anyone who isn't Australian or hasn't had contact with the country and people in any way, shape or form will probably be thinking 'what the hell?' but its such a great reminder of what a unique place we live in...

You know you're Australian if:

  • You believe that stubbies can be drunk or worn
  • You're liable to burst out laughing whenever you hear Americans 'rooting' for something
  • You pronounce Melbourne as "Mel-bin'
  • You can translate Dazza and Shazza played Acca Dacca on the way to Macca's
  • You believe it makes perfect sense for a nation to decorate their highways with large fiberglass banana's prawns and sheep
  • You understand that "Wagga Wagga" can be shortened to "Wagga" but "Woy Woy" can't be shortened to "Woy"
  • You believe all famous kiwi's are actually Australian, until they stuff up, at which point they again become kiwi's
  • You know its not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to handle and a seat belt buckle becomes a branding iron
  • You know how to abbreviate every word, all of which usually end in "o"- arvo, combo, garbo, kero, metho, milko, muso, rego, servo, smoko, speedo, righto, goodo etc
  • You know that there is a universal place called 'Woop Woop' located in the middle of nowhere... no matter where you actually are
  • You know that none of us actually drink Fosters beer because it tastes like shit. But we let the world think we do - because we can
  • You know that some people pronounce 'Australia' like 'Straya' and that's ok
Hope everyone had a great day (despite the very un-Australian weather; in Sydney town at least....)!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for sharing my photo on your blog:

    Paula McManus :)


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