Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Musings: A Picture Tells A Thousand Words...

Check out the picture below and you can probably guess what this post is going to be about. Nothing else can be said - there can be no sugar coating today. This day just straight out sucks. Thanks in large part to a little man who I used to know as my sweet adorable son, but whom appears to have been kidnapped and replaced with the spawn of the devil. I suppose I should have seen it coming really. He was so good over Christmas and the New Year, that I should have known the trade off would have to come eventually. Just really stinks that it had to be on my first day back at work, which was already hard enough to fathom. 

I'm not being negative, just realistic. I am under no illusions that kids are perfect, nor should they be -  and I fully understand part of growing and learning involves off days and pushing the boundaries etc. But yesterday and today have been beyond the pail. I won't go into too much detail because I already need therapy without making myself re-live the experience. I will say, however, that the behaviour exhibited by my child has been nothing short of diabolical at times. Whinging, tantrums, screaming, throwing objects. You name it I've heard it. No matter what response I give to any question, even if it is the response that he asked me to give, it will be wrong. And will induce tears and tantrums and yelling of abuse. And the worst part is that when I picked him up from Kindy tonight the teacher said "He has been so beautiful today." I stood there dumbfounded and then was stupidly lulled into a false sense of security thinking that the beautiful smiling angel next to me would remain just that for the duration of the evening with me. Negative Ghost Rider. We went to the park, where he got to ride his scooter around and every passer by was looking at him with a look of "what a cute kid - a real little dude cruising on his scooter" (hell, even I thought this to myself on a number of occasions and truly thought I was out of the woods). Then BAM! For no good reason at all he goes all Jekyll and Hyde on me and I endure an hour and a half of tantrum throwing that would leave satan shuddering. And that ladies and gentleman has been my night (oh and morning for that matter). 

So on that note I would like to say that on some nights all you can do is pour yourself a glass of wine, get a plate of cheese and biscuits and pray to God above that tomorrow will be a different day.......

1 comment:

  1. your title sums it up. (((hugs))) only a few more hours till the night is over :) a new day awaits! x


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