Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday Musings: What You Still Need To Know...
"What you still need to know is this: before a dream is realised, the soul of the world tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realising our dreams, master the lessons we've learned as we move toward that dream. That's the point at which, as we say in the language of the desert, one 'dies of thirst just as the palm trees have appeared on the horizon'. Every search begins with beginners luck. And every search ends with the visitors being severely tested."
Paulo Coelho
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday Sounds: Miss Janet...
Anyone who had any musical taste whatsoever was listening to Janet Jackson in the 80's and 90's. Her Rhythm Nation days are legendary and I can remember having her 'Janet' and 'Velvet Rope' Cd's on repeat in the 90's and watching her amazing music videos over and over and over again. Here's a few of her best vids for a trip down memory lane:
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday Soul: Coping 101....
As I sit here early on this Saturday morning in my comfy bed, listening to the rain fall and enjoying my cup of chai, I'm feeling as though a shift has occurred. Earlier this week I spoke of my feelings of a change coming and the confusion around this.
The change is still coming but I feel a shift in terms of how I'm approaching it. This morning I woke up feeling excited and ready to move ahead and create the next phase of my life. Nothing physical has changed, the circumstances surrounding me haven't changed, but the way I am perceiving them has.
I believe there are a few things that have really assisted me in getting to this place.
Being still enough to hear my inner guidance: Even though I get frustrated at times, I have been making the effort to be still and quiet each day, if only for 10 minutes or so. Unless you do this you cannot hear or feel the subtle hints, signals or sparks of intuition that are around you.
Being prepared to sit in the unknown: Traditionally, I suck at this. But I'm teaching myself to do it more and more. My natural instinct is to get the problem solved, fixed the uncomfortable feeling and move on. The problem with this is that running from fear or uncomfortable feelings doesn't help you in the long run and actually arise to let you know you need to be aware of something. Rushing a decision or making one only with the intention to make a feeling go away often leads to a less than ideal decision being made. Feelings of sadness, discomfort, frustration all pass - often more quickly than we think if we just allow them to be there. When we have faith in that fact, we are more likely to be able to ride something out which allows things to unfold as they need to and usually for the best. Granted I don't always ride them out elegantly and calmly - but luckily I have dear friends who are amazing at listening to panicked, tearful phone calls!
Acting on thoughts: Whilst I don't act immediately , when a bit of intuition kicks in or an idea comes to me I have acted on it. This may just involve talking about the idea with someone but it is the being prepared to move on it that makes the difference. Sitting still in fear or even just in stillness but never making a move on something won't bring about a result (or a positive one at least). Even if the move we make doesn't end up being the ultimate one we follow through with, we are still telling the universe that we are ready and willing to act, which is key. The vibrations we are sending out are different to ones filled with worry or indecision, and this brings to you more options, guidance and people who can help. The important thing is to take one step in a positive or hopeful way so that we don't remain stuck in fear or indecision.
I asked for help: Despite what we tell ourselves so often, humans are not meant to be able to go it alone all the time or to solve every problem or challenge that comes our way. No-one has all the answers and everyone needs support some time. I have become mush better at asking for help and the thing is, 9 times out of 10, the person you are asking for help quite happy to give it. Rather than feeling put out or uncomfortable as we often imagine they will, people are flattered that you asked them and it will often strengthen your relationship. It might be your turn now, but next time the tables might be turned and you can be the person they lean on.
There are going to be more steps in this equation over the coming weeks (and indeed years!). But for the last few weeks that have passed, these have definitely been the standouts re coping.
Have an amazing weekend everyone......
Friday, November 25, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Get your Glee on...
For all you Glee fans, here are two hilarious vids of Brittany S. Pierce's funniest moments. Some clips are repeated in each video but there are different ones in each too, so worth watching both. Too funny.....!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Shifting Perspectives...
I needed to have a second post today because I was itching to share something that I had read from "The Art of Happiness - A Handbook for Living" by The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, that is very relevant to a conversation I recently had with my friend Ange. In the book, His Holiness discusses how shifting your perspective can help you deal with tragedy or anger, particularly in regards to people who may have hurt us. He says:
"The ability to look at events from different perspectives can be very helpful. Then, practicing this, one can use certain experiences, certain tragedies to develop a calmness of mind. One must realise that every phenomena, every event, has different aspects. Everything is of a relative nature. "
"If you look from a different angle.... then surely the person who caused this anger in you will have a lot of other positive aspects, positive qualities. If you look carefully, you will also find that the act which has made you angry has also given you certain opportunities, something which otherwise would not have been possible, even from your point of view. So with effort you will be able to see many different angles to a single event. This will help."
"You need to use all your powers of reasoning and look at the situation as objectively as possible. For instance, you might reflect on the fact that when you are really angry at someone you tend to perceive them as having 100 percent negative qualities. Just as when you are strongly attracted to someone the tendency is to see them as having 100 percent positive qualities. But this perception does not correspond with reality...... So, even though when you are angry at someone you might feel that the person has no positive qualities, the reality is that nobody is 100 percent bad. They must have some good qualities if you search hard enough. So, the tendency to see someone as completely negative is due to your own perception based on your own mental projection, rather than the true nature of that individual."
"For a spiritual practitioner, one's enemies play a crucial role. As I see it, compassion is the essence of a spiritual life. And in order for you to become fully successful in practicing love and compassion, the practice of patience and tolerance is indispensable."
My dear friend Ange, based on our conversation on the weekend, you had figured this lesson out all by yourself. These words from the Dalai Lama can just re-emphasise to you how enlightened you actually are....So apt that I happened to be up to this part of my book now.
P.S. I chose this picture because it reminds me of you and I trying to figure out all these life lessons - in essence, we are having to turn upside down in order to change our perspective of the world so that we can grow and move forward. x
Thursday Thoughts: A Change Is A Comin'...
There are so many thoughts brewing in my head that I could discuss today. All swirling around, fighting for attention and answers. There is a definite feeling within that some kind of strange, strong and shifting energy is around me. That change is coming my way again. And I'm in that phase where you don't quite know with certainty what is coming or how its going to pan out. I have inklings that it has to do with my living environment (my lease is up in less than a month and I'm fairly certain I will be leaving), connections on new levels with particular family members, and breakthroughs for me on a soul or personal growth level. Those things are all coming, but currently I'm in the phase of break down that often comes prior to break throughs. Not necessarily an all consuming, bring you to your knees break down, but the struggle that comes with being presented with lessons you need to learn and things to resolve before you can move onto the next phase of your life.
The hardest aspect for me is to not drop into fear and the tendency to resort to the default ways of dealing with challenge and stress that I have used all my life but that clearly don't serve me. Fear, worry and anxiety are huge for me. But I know that these challenges are being presented to me so that I can practise a new way of being and reacting. So in moments of fear, I am doing my best to stop and change my perspective. To remove myself from the situation, take the emotion away and look from the outside in. When I feel overwhelmed I reassure myself that if my heart is open and I am willing to listen, the universe and my own intuition will guide me - that my worst fears will not become reality (which really, they never do).
So even though I'm having, and I'm sure will continue to have, many a day and/or night where I feel like I'm being twisted in knots with the frustration and lack of understanding of what's going on in my world, where I am scared shitless (excuse the French) and where I want to just curl up in a ball and escape the learning and challenges - I will choose not to run away and will meet them head on because I have faith that something beautiful lies beyond the breakthrough......
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday Musings: To Be Hopeful...
"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasise in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember these times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however a small way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
Howard Zinn (via terramantra)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Saturday Soul: Bill Clinton on life...
"I learned a lot from the stories my uncle, aunts and grandparents told me: that no one is perfect but most people are good; that people can't be judged by their worst or weakest moment; that harsh judgements can make hypocrites of us all; that a lot of life is just showing up and hanging on; that laughter is often the best, and sometimes only response to pain."
Bill Clinton
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Sex And The City...
We all know how much I love Sex And The City. And after was has been a pretty stressful week for me, I thought a laugh was in order. Here are two classic scenes from the TV series. (The first one in particular makes me laugh so hard every time I see it)...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: "Hello Mum, This is Going To Be Hard For You To Read"...
A friend of mine posted an article on Facebook yesterday, about Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, who at just 19 years of age was one of the youngest victims of the Afghan war (He was killed in June 2009). His parents shared with The Independent newspaper the numerous letters that Cyrus had written to them over his months in Afghanistan.
Amongst these letters was one that he had written, to be delivered to his family in the event that he was killed. It is heart breaking in the way that any scenario where a child dies before his parents is - something that as a parent you cannot even fathom. It also reminds us that regardless of our thoughts on war or military involvement in Afghanistan, the members of the armed forces who are there are real people. They are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and in this case, teenagers. And there are people back home spending their every waking minute thinking and worrying about them and praying that they will come home. I have been that person, sitting at home with a partner in the military and I can say its one of the hardest experiences to bear. But I was lucky enough that the worst case scenario did not occur. I did not have to experience my loved one not coming home to me. And for that I will always be grateful.
Cyrus' letter to his family is below:
Amongst these letters was one that he had written, to be delivered to his family in the event that he was killed. It is heart breaking in the way that any scenario where a child dies before his parents is - something that as a parent you cannot even fathom. It also reminds us that regardless of our thoughts on war or military involvement in Afghanistan, the members of the armed forces who are there are real people. They are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and in this case, teenagers. And there are people back home spending their every waking minute thinking and worrying about them and praying that they will come home. I have been that person, sitting at home with a partner in the military and I can say its one of the hardest experiences to bear. But I was lucky enough that the worst case scenario did not occur. I did not have to experience my loved one not coming home to me. And for that I will always be grateful.
Cyrus' letter to his family is below:
Hello its me, this is gonna be hard for you to read but I write this knowing every time you thinks shits got to much for you to handle (so don't cry on it MUM!!) you can read this and hopefully it will help you all get through.
For a start SHIT I got hit!! Now Iv got that out the way I can say the things Iv hopefully made clear, or if I havent this should clear it all up for me. My hole life you'v all been there for me through thick and thin bit like a wedding through good and bad. Without you I believe I wouldn't have made it as far as I have. I died doing what I was born to do I was happy and felt great about myself although the army was sadly the ending of me it was also the making of me so please don't feel any hate toward it. One thing I no I never made clear to you all was I make jokes about my life starting in the Army. That's wrong VERY wrong my life began a LONG time before that (Obviously) but you get what I mean. All the times Iv tried to neglect the family get angry when you try teach me right from wrong wot I mean to say is I only realised that you were trying to help when I joined the army and without YOUR help I would have never had the BALLS, the GRIT and the damn right determination to crack on and do it. If I could have a wish in life it would to be able to say Iv gone and done things many would never try to do. And going to Afghan has fulfilled my dream ie my goal. Yes I am young wich as a parent must brake you heart but you must all somehow find the strength that I found to do something no matter how big the challenge. As Im writing this letter I can see you all crying and mornin my death but if I could have one wish in an "after life" it would be to stop your crying and continueing your dreams (as I did) because if I were watching only that would brake my heart. So dry your tears and put on a brave face for the rest of your friends and family who need you.
I want each and everyone of you to forfill a dream and at the end of it look at what you have done (completed) and feel the accomplishment and achievement I did only then will you understand how I felt when I passed away.
[To his brothers:] You are both amazing men and will continue to be throughout your lives you both deserve to be happy and fofill all of your dreams.
Dad – my idol, my friend, my best friend, my teacher, my coach, everything I ever succeeded in my life I owe to you and maybe a little bit of me! You are a great man and the perfect role model and the past two years of being in the army I noticed that and me and you have been on the best level we have ever been. I thank you for nothing because I no all you have given to me is not there to be thanked for its there because you did it cause you love me and that is my most proudest thing I could ever say.
Mum, where do I start with you!! For a start your perfect, your smell, your hugs, the way your life was dedicated to us boys and especially the way you cared each and every step us boys took. I love you, you were the reason I made it as far as I did you were the reason I was loved more than any child I no and that made me feel special.
Your all such great individuals and I hope somehow this letter will help you get through this shit time!! Just remember do NOT mourn my death as hard as this will seem, celebrate a great life that has had its ups and downs. I love you all more than you would ever no and in your own individual ways helped me get through it all. I wish you all the best with your dreams.
Remember chin up head down. With love Cyrus xxxx
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tuesday Treats: More S'mores...
In this, my second week of clean eating, I thought I'd torture myself by looking at these tasty delights!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday Musings: Free Life Lessons From An Old Timer...
Lose an argument on purpose just because it’s not that serious.
The expression “same thing, different day” pray you never live these words.
Return borrowed items in the same or better condition it was received.
A good idea is only a good idea. Stop talking about it and turn it into a reality.
Look for insight in unknown places learn from interesting and random people.
Conserve your energy jealousy will ruin your life if you let it.
Good Food & Great Service. Always go back if the food is good but leave a BIG tip if you get both.
Share information with everyone because secrets influence no one.
Be Careful spreading yourself too thin know when to say NO and when to let go.
Approach life differently than your neighbors and be okay with it. Now that’s something to celebrate!
When people show you who they are never expect more than they are able to give.
Life is a continuous effort never stop, never give up.
Find your purpose in life early on in life.
How you feel about the person you’re opening the door for is important and not that you’re holding the door.
Realize early that you don’t know everything.
via All-Swagga
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday Soul: Contentment...
This morning I am happily lazing in my bed, looking forward to my morning ahead of pampering at the hairdressers. I'm struck today by the feeling of contentment within me - something that I haven't felt for a while. I'm feeling very grateful for the things I have in my life; A gorgeous, cheeky, funny, smart and loving son. A job I am enjoying. Feeling healthy after sticking to my clean eating and exercise plan this week and going to yoga last night. Grounded due to taking time every day to do my oracle cards and contemplate their message. Having time out in my lunch breaks outdoors to enjoy the sun, fresh air and to draw. My family and sisters who make me laugh. Having gorgeous friends who help me feel connected, share their wisdom and make me laugh so hard. Having the opportunity to have a little bit of time out for myself today and rest.
On that note, its time to head off for the day. Wherever you are I hope you are feeling happy, connected and grateful this weekend. x
Friday, November 11, 2011
Fabulous Friday: Those Eyes...
There is nothing more fabulous and beautiful than black and white photography. This portrait of Liya Kebede is simply breath taking. Her eyes just draw you in and won't let you go.....
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Treating Yourself...
On Saturday I bought myself a new pack of Oracle cards. They are the Oracle of Shadows and Light by Lucy Cavendish, with gorgeous illustrations by Jasmine Beckett-Griffith. Often I'll buy cards and use them a few times then forget about them for a while. But with these ones it feels different. I've felt compelled to have them around me. I'm not even really sure why. I was really drawn to the explanation of the cards, the illustrations (must be my love of illustrating), and the meaning behind them. Anyway, I've taken to pulling one card a day, in the morning, and carrying that thought or message with me or challenging myself to think about where I can apply the advice to my own life. It's kind of like my little ritual before I go in to work.
Yesterday's card was "It's Time For a Treat." A reminder that giving yourself little luxuries or treats helps you re-connect with your self-love and self-worth. Despite the fact that I do believe it is so important to give yourself nice things, I fall into the habit of denying myself. In the back of my head I will be questioning if I deserve something enough, have I worked hard enough, have I waited long enough? Being measured in your purchasing and budgeting for things is wise. But, perpetually denying yourself little treats that make you feel good and happy leads to an energy around you of lack. You are essentially saying "I don't deserve abundance, I don't deserve to feel good", which is not the case. We all deserve to live in abundance and to feel good. You may treat yourself to a massage, a creative workshop, a new pair of shoes - anything that makes you feel good. Treats do not even have to be expensive or material items. You could treat yourself to a nap or a sleep in, clear space to meditate or time with a friend for a chat.
When I pulled this card I decided I would follow through with the advice (the whole point of using the cards) and treat myself to something. In particular something that I had been denying myself. My first thought was David Beckham, hence the photo above. But I was pretty sure that might be a little out of the realms of possibility, so I booked myself in for a haircut and colour instead! On a serious note, I've been putting it off for months due to the cost, but its time to hang the expense in order to give myself a bit of love. Having your hair done is one of the best things for sitting still, relaxing, reading trashy mags, having a coffee and basically being pampered. And do you know what? As soon as I made the appointment I felt instantly better about myself. Looking forward to new hair on Saturday!
What's something you could treat yourself to if you were to choose something right now? I challenge you to make it happen and see the results for yourself....
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday Musings: I Work Out Because...
Todays musing are on a fitness and health theme because today I started my 6 week healthy eating and exercise program. Its been a long time coming but I finally got myself sorted, wrote the plan, bought the food and started. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be quite sick of chicken breasts and egg whites before too long - but I just keep reminding myself of how much better I will feel in 6 weeks time! I love the text in the image above. So often we decide to eat better or exercise hard because we have decided we dislike our bodies. But I love switching to the mindset of "I love my body and thats why I'm going to exercise hard and eat healthily."
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday Sounds: Pearl Jam...
So many memories... Eddy Vedder - YUM!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Saturday Soul: True Healing...
"Everything that happens to you in this life happens perfectly and synergistically in order for the soul to transform and understand this level of God -love. Everyone has karma to burn, lessons to learn and each one of you will walk some challenging and funky paths at times. But these moments will also be the divine catalyst providing great insight, healing and wisdom.
For each of you, there will be certain lessons that must be learned in order to open your heart to love and empathy. Some of the lessons will be elegant, some will bring you to your knees in devastation. They will all be necessary.
The first step of true healing is to see our lives beyond reason; embrace the mystery, stay present and breathe and have the strength every day in all movements to forgive ourselves and each other for the impossibly vulnerable task of being in these bodies at this time.
Breathe and all will be revealed, love and all will be healed."
Seane Corn
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fabulous Friday: SJP...
There was no doubt as to who was going to star in today's Fabulous Friday post. SJP has been in Australia to promote her new movie and for the Spring Racing Carnival. Last night she was on channel 10's The Project and she was FABULOUS. So stylish, witty, funny, down to earth, humble, and real, despite her fame. So refreshing to see and made me love her more than I already do (if thats possible!). For anyone who didn't catch her on the show last night, you can watch it here (P.S. Go to about the 8 min 15 sec mark for the start of her interview).
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday Thoughts: Reflections...
The phrase "Oh my God, I can't believe it's November" has come out of my mouth on a number of occasions lately. This year has gone quite fast in many ways, but on the flip side, I feel like I've lived 10 years in this one. So many things have changed for me, particularly on the job front (I've been in 4 different work places this year). I'm now at a job where I feel like I've finally landed where I am meant to be. The last place never felt like that for me. The whole time a feeling hung over me that I wasn't meant to be there, or at least stay for very long. I tried really hard to just go with it though and trust that the universe would take me where I needed to go (without me forcing the situation - especially when I had no clear idea of where I could or would go next). And I have now ended up in a place where I can see myself remaining for a while, where I feel I belong, where I have fun each day and where I feel like I am making a contribution (well, as much as I can when you are new to a role!).
I've had some massive dips this year. At the time they were extremely hard but on reflection they helped me learn more about myself and once again prove how strong I am as a person. I now have real confidence in regards to being on my own, and taking care of myself and Bailey. That doesn't mean that I have all the answers - not by a long shot - but I know with every bit of my heart that I put Bailey first and give everything I have in regards to being the best Mum for him that I can be. He can bring me to my knees at times (as I'm sure many mothers can relate!) but he is absolutely the greatest joy in my life. I am in awe of him most days - how much he knows and takes in, how funny he is, how gorgeous he is. Everything. He is just a miracle......
What definitely stands out to me about this year is my relationships with my female friends. Not only have I been fortunate enough to strengthen many of my already existing friendships, but have also had some beautiful, beautiful new friends enter my life. In particular, the universe has brought people to me who are like minded and who I can completely be myself with, and for that I am so grateful. It really has been my female friends who have helped me get through so many rough periods of the past year and a half - as well as provide the fun and connection that has helped me find my joy again. Not a day goes by where I don't ponder how lucky I am in that way.
So here's to making the most of what's left of 2011. I've got a feeling its going to involve quite a few Christmas parties and socialising - a great excuse to have some much needed fun. I am definitely going to start planning and manifesting what I want to bring into my life for 2012 though. I've had some amazing things come into my life in 2011, but it really did have an element of 'just survive it' and 'let it be' about it. I still had some stuff from the past to deal with and process and, as a result, it was a time of stillness and recharging. I want 2012 to be a year for me where I am taking charge and creating the life I want to be living.
Whatever you are doing in the last few months of 2011, I hope it is enjoyable and that you make the most of it. And bring on an amazing 2012 in the year beyond!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday Tunes: Wild Horses...
In honour of the Melbourne Cup I felt it was only fitting to have a song involving horses. So here is one of the greatest songs of all time, by The Rolling Stones, featuring Eddie Vedder for an extra touch of greatness!
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