On Wednesday night I did a group tele-conference call with my ever amazing teacher and friend, Krista Jane. It was an hour and a half of inspiration, clarity, manifesting, looking at what worked and what didn't in the past year, talents and gifts, challenges, connecting with our higher selves, meditation and checking in with what our ideal lives for 2012 would look like. Phew, so much goodness! There is so much for me to still reflect on, work through and process but some interesting things have already come up for me.
When I had to answer the questions "If my life were ideal in 2012 what would it be like? What would I do, experience and have?", the ideas that came to me were to be in love and in a relationship, to spend lots of quality time with Bailey, to travel, to be excited, to feel energetic, to be physically strong and healthy, to be happy, to laugh, to feel motivated, to be excited, to feel spiritually aligned, to be connected to my intuition and to relax.
The main word that kept flashing in my mind above all of these was LIGHT. Almost as if my heart's desire was to drift through this year. Not in a mindless, unconscious way but in a mindful, not being pulled down by emotions, events, other people, myself etc kind of way. In thinking about it now I feel as though it stems from my desire and commitment to being so much more in touch with my intuition. I really feel that that is key to me creating a year and a life that I want. I'm sure there is more to this and that I will come to understand it more as time goes on, but my soul and higher self is definitely calling out for this feeling so I'm going to listen. I don't think it was any coincidence that I pulled an oracle card the following day that read "Trust where the light leads you - go where you can feel true love, kindness and freedom. Avoid all that comes from anger, hatred, judgement, blame and ridicule." WOW....
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