Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday Soul: Coping 101....

                                                                      Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

As I sit here early on this Saturday morning in my comfy bed, listening to the rain fall and enjoying my cup of chai, I'm feeling as though a shift has occurred. Earlier this week I spoke of my feelings of a change coming and the confusion around this.

The change is still coming but I feel a shift in terms of how I'm approaching it. This morning I woke up feeling excited and ready to move ahead and create the next phase of my life. Nothing physical has changed, the circumstances surrounding me haven't changed, but the way I am perceiving them has.

I believe there are a few things that have really assisted me in getting to this place.

Being still enough to hear my inner guidance: Even though I get frustrated at times, I have been making the effort to be still and quiet each day, if only for 10 minutes or so. Unless you do this you cannot hear or feel the subtle hints, signals or sparks of intuition that are around you.

Being prepared to sit in the unknown: Traditionally, I suck at this. But I'm teaching myself to do it more and more. My natural instinct is to get the problem solved, fixed the uncomfortable feeling and move on. The problem with this is that running from fear or uncomfortable feelings doesn't help you in the long run and actually arise to let you know you need to be aware of something. Rushing a decision or making one only with the intention to make a feeling go away often leads to a less than ideal decision being made. Feelings of sadness, discomfort, frustration all pass - often more quickly than we think if we just allow them to be there. When we have faith in that fact, we are more likely to be able to ride something out which allows things to unfold as they need to and usually for the best. Granted I don't always ride them out elegantly and calmly - but luckily I have dear friends who are amazing at listening to panicked, tearful phone calls!

Acting on thoughts: Whilst I don't act immediately , when a bit of intuition kicks in or an idea comes to me I have acted on it. This may just involve talking about the idea with someone but it is the being prepared to move on it that makes the difference. Sitting still in fear or even just in stillness but never making a move on something won't bring about a result (or a positive one at least). Even if the move we make doesn't end up being the ultimate one we follow through with, we are still telling the universe that we are ready and willing to act, which is key. The vibrations we are sending out are different to ones filled with worry or indecision, and this brings to you more options, guidance and people who can help. The important thing is to take one step in a positive or hopeful way so that we don't remain stuck in fear or indecision.

I asked for help: Despite what we tell ourselves so often, humans are not meant to be able to go it alone all the time or to solve every problem or challenge that comes our way. No-one has all the answers and everyone needs support some time. I have become mush better at asking for help and the thing is, 9 times out of 10, the person you are asking for help quite happy to give it. Rather than feeling put out or uncomfortable as we often imagine they will, people are flattered that you asked them and it will often strengthen your relationship. It might be your turn now, but next time the tables might be turned and you can be the person they lean on.

There are going to be more steps in this equation over the coming weeks (and indeed years!). But for the last few weeks that have passed, these have definitely been the standouts re coping.

Have an amazing weekend everyone......

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